New classifieds scam


Jan 24, 2015
I saw this on sniper side. Apparently if a buyer pays with goods and services and you do not ship it to the address listed on PayPal they can dispute the charges and get a refund. A guy got scammed for $5000 by a guy who had him ship it to a different address than was listed on his PayPal, then claimed he never received the item.
If they. Stole $5000 from me and I was able to find their actual address via PayPal I would be tempted to pay them a visit.
I think it’s usually a mule or someone sitting on the house.

Maybe not new, but new to me.
another reason im leaning on not using paypal anymore...
Yeah I don’t get it. Pretty easy for PayPal to do a little investigation and see if the user lying. If it’s the same device he registered on, same ip, same phone number, etc. The problem is there isn’t a better option.
Yeah I don’t get it. Pretty easy for PayPal to do a little investigation and see if the user lying. If it’s the same device he registered on, same ip, same phone number, etc. The problem is there isn’t a better option.
Problem is its a gun and paypal frowns upon that and your account will be frozen
This is an eBay thing too. I sell on eBay occasionally and I’ve had a couple people ask to ship to different addresses. It’s easy enough to change your PayPal address; if it doesn’t match I cancel the sale and relist item. If they’re interested they can rebuy.
Thanks for the warning, scammers are also getting more creative especially with AI assisted/generated photos.
Thanks for the word to the wise. Before reading this, if a buyer messaged me their address I would have just sent it there, now I know to ship only to the address on their account.