New black powder

I still have not made any powder. Do you think compressing it is mandatory?
In a muzzleloader, no. You can mix in a binder, 1.5-2% glutinous rice starch works very well, then screen it while damp and let it dry. It will burn faster than corned powder. A 2f screened might burn like a 3f corned. Not exactly, but that is an example to illustrate the effect
I still have not made any powder. Do you think compressing it is mandatory?
If you want powder that's actually consistent, yes. Get your density correct. I've seen those that mix the ingredients then form a ball and push/grade it thra screen. It works but it's weak and does not offer the consistency I am looking for.
If you want powder that's actually consistent, yes. Get your density correct. I've seen those that mix the ingredients then form a ball and push/grade it thra screen. It works but it's weak and does not offer the consistency I am looking for.
It is not weak. If it is ball milled the same as corned powder and the only difference is screening vs corning, then it is just as energetic by weight. The corning process only changes density and burn rate.