new binos

I'm upgrading this year and I'm leaning real hard towards the Meopta Meostar HD's. You can get them for right around $1000. I know there is a lot of love for Vortex right now. When researching spotters I compared the Meopta s2 HD and the Razor HD and it wasn't even close. The Meopta won out and couldn't be happier.
They don't get much attention around here but I've been more than happy with my Minox HG's. They are the lightest full size available @24oz and to my eyes they are alpha class.

A demo pair from Cameraland NY should be in your price range.
I would look at the Swaro Pocket 10X25CLs. You might be surprised that they have more eye relief than the CL 10X32 and they cost a bit less. Just compare them. You might be surprised.
Just got a brand new pair of Vortex Razor HD 10x42. I hate to admit this because it's a little embarrassing....but I can tell zero difference between my 7 or so year old pair of Nikon Monarch 8x42s except, as would be expected, objects appear to be a little closer. I truly believe high dollar optics are grossly overrated and I'm not a frugal buyer at all. The only reason I purchased the razors is because of an unbelievable deal and the hope that I might notice a difference in the field as opposed to in a bright box store.

The razors have some features that are better than the monarchs, locking diopter, lens don't fog up as bad and the warranty is ridiculous but absolutely not worth the extra money one would normally pay. FYI this is not bashing the Razor as its more a glowing review of the monarchs I've had for years. I have no opinion on current Nikon Monarchs.
I took the BIL out with 3 demo pair of binos Vortex hds, meopta meostar and the conquest hds. He ended up buying the zeiss as they were lighter than the meopta, just as good optically, if not better and a lot better than the vortex glass. In fact his buddy that came with us returned the vortex hds and bought the conquest hds as well.
Demo Zeiss conquest HD's at around $750 - $800 are the best value imo. Checkout cameralandny. I have the Zeiss and have spent plenty of time with the razors and Meopta HD's, to my eyes they are all really similar. With all three of these options you would be very happy, if price doesn't matter see what feels best out of them for you.
Just got a brand new pair of Vortex Razor HD 10x42. I hate to admit this because it's a little embarrassing....but I can tell zero difference between my 7 or so year old pair of Nikon Monarch 8x42s except, as would be expected, objects appear to be a little closer. I truly believe high dollar optics are grossly overrated and I'm not a frugal buyer at all. The only reason I purchased the razors is because of an unbelievable deal and the hope that I might notice a difference in the field as opposed to in a bright box store.

The razors have some features that are better than the monarchs, locking diopter, lens don't fog up as bad and the warranty is ridiculous but absolutely not worth the extra money one would normally pay. FYI this is not bashing the Razor as its more a glowing review of the monarchs I've had for years. I have no opinion on current Nikon Monarchs.

You will notice the diff at first and last light, where everything fades or starts to blend with shadow the better glass still shows high detail. Before my buddy got his Meopta HD's he used my Zeiss to compare to his monarchs, he was blown away at thee last light performance diff. Only reason he went with Meopta over the Zeiss is because of the crazy deal he got.

If your not seeing this last light diff you got a bad pair of binos and need to send them to vortex. Now during the middle of the day with a bright sun you will not see a huge diff other than better clarity and edge to edge performance.
I'm using Zeiss 8X32bt and compared them to Leica 10X42 and really couldnt tell the diff, I didnt get a chance to do it at first and last light and really had to think that either mine were that good or my vision was that bad that I couldnt tell a diff in clarity, I was in the market for a pricey set but I'm glad I got to try them before I shelled out 2K on them
My list for 1000.00 bino's..

Used SLCHD's (these are the best out of this group if you can find them)
Meopta Meostar HD's
Zeiss Conquests HD's
Minox HG
I like the monarch 7's as well, they are the only Nikons with the camera glass.
Maven, no doubts at all. They have 3rd party data that puts them right with the Swaro, Leica, Zeiss, $2k models at half the price. Their glass is amazing. $900 for B1's (8 or 10x42), brand new, full warranty. Plus, you can customize the look.

The reason you can get the highest quality for 1/2 the price is the direct to consumer business model, ala, KUIU. There's no retail store to take their big chunk of the purchase price.

A buddy and I compared his Swaro's (7 years old) with my new B1's, in the field, at dusk. The difference in brightness between his and mine was shocking to both of us. Swaro didn't win the field test.