New AR15

Justin Crossley

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
Buckley, WA
Picked this up today for my dad. I will have to get a load dialed for him.
Sorry about the crappy pic.

Double Star matched 5.56 upper and lower.
Shilen 24" bull barrel
Nikon .223 scope mount
For now it has a VX2 3-9x40 scope.
I'm going to get him a new trigger and I'm not sure yet which scope he will end up with.

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I would put up the ceramic single stage 3.5# trigger by SMI up against any trigger on the market. I like to tweak them a tiny bit but once adjusted they rival my bolt gun triggers...

I think the Geissle trigger in my AR is nicer than my buddy's jewel in his CA carbon custom.
I shoot the two stage with 20oz. first stage and an 8oz. break.

I will have to check that trigger out Mike! What do they retail? What is the lightest one I can get?
I think the Geissle trigger in my AR is nicer than my buddy's jewel in CA carbon custom.
I shoot the two stage with 20oz. first stage and an 8oz. break.

I will have to check that trigger out Mike! What do they retail? What is the lightest one I can get?

Retail is right at $235 or a little over. I have a few on order. Prefer to install them myself but could give you some tips on installation to get the most out of it. They are right at 3-3.25#s non adjustable so you're stuck with the poundage.
I'm not saying he won't put a good trigger in it, but I'm not sure he wants to spend $300.00 on a Geissle.

What do you mean "float the barrel"? It has a free floating hand gaurd.
Using Blue Locktite for the space between the the outside of the barrelnut and the inside of the upper receiver. I am no gunsmith, but I did it to mine. There is a video on YouTube that shows how to do it. Very easy. This is mostly for when the barrel fits into the receiver loose.

HellsCanyon might chim in on this if its worth it.
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Using Blue Locktite for the space between the the outside of the barrelnut and the inside of the upper receiver. I am no gunsmith, but I did it to mine. There is a video on YouTube that shows how to do it. Very easy. This is mostly for when the barrel fits into the receiver loose.

HellsCanyon might chim in on this if its worth it.
I have never heard of that, but its interesting, gonna check into it.
For the trigger, I run a geissele in all of my AR15/10s and love them. But if someone doesn't want to spend the money, I tell them to get a RR 2 stage. For $85, its a pretty darn good trigger for the money.
Using Blue Locktite for the space between the the outside of the barrelnut and the inside of the upper receiver. I am no gunsmith, but I did it to mine. There is a video on YouTube that shows how to do it. Very easy. This is mostly for when the barrel fits into the receiver loose.

HellsCanyon might chim in on this if its worth it.

Are you referring to the outside of the barrelnut extension and inside the upper receiver threaded tennon? I don't see it hurting anything but I doubt blue locktight is really strong enough a material to provide much support but hey if it works... :)

Yup. The out side of the barrelnut extension. I was not comfortable with something like Devcon, wasn't sure if I would be able to remove the barrel latter down the road with out using some heat.
Yup. The out side of the barrelnut extension. I was not comfortable with something like Devcon, wasn't sure if I would be able to remove the barrel latter down the road with out using some heat.

Probably a good idea. Most of the AR's I've put together had very very little play in that area but as I said I don't see it hurting anything...

Hay if someone on the internet said its the next best thing to sliced bread, it has to be the truth, right. No one ever lies on the internet.

Ha ha ha. I kill my self. Sorry couldn't resist.