Nevada 2nd draw list

I got the 101E tag along with a cast of thousands...calling around looking for private access to wilderness trails now. Staying as far from Lamoille canyon as possible.
Very happy to have a NV tag though; gives me a chance to try out some mechanical broadheads.
I got the 101E tag along with a cast of thousands...calling around looking for private access to wilderness trails
now. Staying as far from Lamoille canyon as possible.
Very happy to have a NV tag though; gives me a chance to try out some mechanical broadheads.

There are lots of access points that get you behind private land if you are willing to hike an extra mile or two.
There are lots of access points that get you behind private land if you are willing to hike an extra mile or two.

I am willing to do some extra hiking...will try to be smart about it. I'm actually leaning towards the East Humboldts rather that the Rubies. I've talked to the folks at Tent Mtn Ranch and they're really friendly and helpful. However they want to charge almost as much to park my truck as I would to stay in their camps or cabin. Have tried to reach the FS about road access to the edge of the public land where I can hike up old jeep trails etc. but have not yet got a live person...will keep trying.

I prefer to hike in to a decent area with water within a couple of miles of potential buck holes and keep my camp in one place anywhere from 4-8 miles in for the road. In ideas are appreciated.
East humbolts are really blocked off by private land. You have really only two public access points Angel Lake and Weeks Access. But you can use those to hike in to any basin just a matter of how far you want to go.