Negatives to being over spined?

Jul 30, 2013
I am only finding 6 series stuff, you have a link?

I don't have a link for the vpa but saw them on AT a while back, called ROC inserts, they looked really good

Gold tips is called a ballistic collar, Google it and it should come up with something.
Feb 24, 2012
Since you are all in this thread I might as well ask. I have a 29.5" 72# spyder turbo. I want to run 150 grain heads. I have 27.5" ctc Axis 300s. These seem to be on the edge of being too weak. I currently run 100 grain heads out of this setup. Will I need a stiffer arrow for 150 up front? I have new dozen set of GT 200s but might sell to get Axis 260s or more 300s, if they will work. I will only run HIT inserts if that matters.

I'm curious as well. I have some kinetic 300's cut to 25.5 inches with a 175 grain front end. I feel like they might be toward the weak side rather than stiff