Need to vent


Oct 28, 2014
Sorry about the dog, it sucks and I been there. Came away 4k lighter after a three year old FC bitch slipped a disk in C3 ...... she was an dandy hound and I am usually not a softy but in this case I couldn't not be. She healed up as good as new, I stopped running her in my pack but once a month I would take her solo and she would put on her usual show. Money well spent. Good luck
Aug 11, 2020
The presumed freefall/spiral into the abyss interpretation of the failing things around you is a deception. Don't believe it. Everything you mentioned is manageable. Hardships have a way of prioritizing things. Number 1 priority is your dog who is for all intents and purposes in ICU. You and the wife are the caregivers on this top priority. Dirty Harry said it well, "A man's got to know his limitations." You cannot do everything. So don't. Do what you can do. With your wife's agreed consent and partnership, concentrate on the dog. The dog will likely do more to heal you than you do it...dogs always have that effect. Number 2 priority is the wood. A few years back I injured my shoulder. But the wood still had to be split. I got this, Harbor Freight's hydraulic wood splitter: . It completely takes the violence out of splitting wood. Splits everything I have (though some huge rounds take a little ingenuity of working with the grain, using existing cracks in the wood, etc.) Splitting is relaxing now, not violent. Number 3 priority does not exist. Sheetrock can wait.
Apr 1, 2017
Grand Rapids, MN
The presumed freefall/spiral into the abyss interpretation of the failing things around you is a deception. Don't believe it. Everything you mentioned is manageable. Hardships have a way of prioritizing things. Number 1 priority is your dog who is for all intents and purposes in ICU. You and the wife are the caregivers on this top priority. Dirty Harry said it well, "A man's got to know his limitations." You cannot do everything. So don't. Do what you can do. With your wife's agreed consent and partnership, concentrate on the dog. The dog will likely do more to heal you than you do it...dogs always have that effect. Number 2 priority is the wood. A few years back I injured my shoulder. But the wood still had to be split. I got this, Harbor Freight's hydraulic wood splitter: . It completely takes the violence out of splitting wood. Splits everything I have (though some huge rounds take a little ingenuity of working with the grain, using existing cracks in the wood, etc.) Splitting is relaxing now, not violent. Number 3 priority does not exist. Sheetrock can wait.
Thank you that splitter does look handy. I do enjoy splitting wood by hand because it gives me some "mandatory" exercise. I do have access to a really nice 30 ton splitter for when I have a full load delivered but being as I only have about a cord left and not all of it needs to be split I wanted to swing the maul. As far as the dog being number one priority I absolutely agree and it has been fairly easy enough to keep her calm and happy but we are going on week 5 of strict kennel rest and she is getting as antsy about wanting to be out and be a puppy as I am about wanting to get into the duck blind so it's getting more stressful but easy enough to just make sure her needs are taken care of and go outside where I cannot hear her crying and barking. I am not frustrated with her I am frustrated with my vet wrapping her leg for $50 plus another $40 for gas which I know it's my decision to drive this far to get her the best care I can afford but I felt like this vet had failed me at this point and if our x-ray tomorrow shows that she is healing then I will put that on me any my wife's efforts of keeping her in the kennel not the fact that the vet has wrapped the leg if that makes sense. I also agree that everything is manageable and if it came across in my original post as I was giving up that was not my point, as I said before I just needed to get some stress out. I genuinely don't have people around me other than my wife and my 4 and 5 year old kids to vent to and my wife has just as stressful of a day as me so I came here to like minded people to vent to is all I was trying to do


Aug 27, 2020
So I am having a bit of a breakdown right now. Hunting season cannot come fast enough I definitely need some time in the duck blind. My puppy (st bernard\newfundland\lab at 9 weeks} broke her back leg 4 weeks ago and was supposed to have surgery but we cannot afford it being quoted 6k and amputation didn't seem right being this is a dog that will have hip issues in the future anyways so the vet decided instead of putting her down they would set the brake and splint it. Good news kennel rest for several weeks and a 3 hour drive every week to have the splint re wrapped and have everything checked no problem, till last week, got home Friday afternoon everything is good, Saturday morning we woke up and she had slipped out of the splint we ran to the fleet farm and got some coban and rewrapped it best we could, went down yesterday and had another rewrap and everything seemed ok this morning but just now I took her out to go to the bathroom and found the splint had slipped half way off and she is in a kennel that we have to feed her in backwards and she can't even turn around and has a hard cone on so even if she can turn she couldn't get to her leg. On top of this I am trying to finish my honey do list by splitting and stacking my last cord of wood for the winter and sheetrock a section of our basement so she can set the up the exercise room. After about 10 logs my maul handle broke and then I went to fit a piece of sheetrock and found that none of my walls are square which I know I can just cut the sheetrock to match my studs and be fine but it just feels like nothing I have done this summer has gone the way it should........ Sorry for the non related rant just had to vent somehow

Sorry to hear all that buddy. Going into my gun dog's second season he had to have a small operation on his gut, nothing serious, but he slipped out of his cone at night and tore through all his stitches and messed himself up real bad. Went from a 2-week recovery to an 8-week recovery, and really knocked the whole season with how out of shape and behind in training he was as a result. Really sucks. Positive thinking though - you've got this headache now, but the seasons coming, and you'll both be in the blind before you know it. Keep the head up man!


Feb 26, 2016
You can find people to hang drywall incredibly fast, cheap, and perfect. I don't touch it anymore!!! Glad things are getting better!
Mar 13, 2017
Chico, California
just checking in. hope you are having a better day. Fridays are nice. hope you get to get away and do something that takes your mind off of everything else.


Jul 9, 2020
S Central WI
Hey Man ... we have all gone through these stretches where the crap hat does not seem big enough.

Good that you got your dog fixed, you will have something positive focusing how return to him to health.

At the end of the day, we choose how we see things ... something breaks as another obstacle or as an opportunity to learn how to fix something.

Last winter I can across a guy trespassing on my land cutting up a large dead oak. I confronted him as i was upset due to past tress passers and we had a bit of a stand off. Told he did not have permission, he said he did not know who to ask. Said he was out of work, furnace had failed, and only heat for he and wife (in their late 50s) was their wood stove. I told him to keep on working. He was uzubg an old chain saw to cut up the 25" dia oak and a axe to hand split. He would then carry the firewood to his old 1970's white painters van.

Later that day I swung by and approached, shook his hand and gave him 4 $20 bills. He looked at it and said he did not want charity. Told him it was not charity and that I would like him to continue clearing the rest of the fallen oak...that I considered it work that should be paid for.

Always good to be reminded that when we think we are being handed a bad deal, there are always others in a worst situation than we are. If we have been helped, how do we pay it forward?

Life is what you make it, so make it good!
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Feb 26, 2018
Hang in there, brother. I like to watch this video when I’m stressed, working through something, or need a pick up.

You got this!