Need some help with a taxidermist - anybody in Cheyenne?


Dec 15, 2021
South Carolina
I left my very first antelope buck with a taxidermist in Cheyenne back in September. They said the euro mount would be done within a couple of months. They were well-reviewed on Google and seemed extremely legit.

Fast forward a couple of months and I hadn't heard anything. I started reaching out every couple of weeks in December. Calls, emails, Facebook messages. Nothing. Not a single returned contact.

Not sure what to do now so I'm wondering there's anybody out there in the Cheyenne area that could maybe help or might know the taxidermist.

I don't want to post their name in case this situation turns out okay so I don't hurt their future business. If it doesn't turn out good, I'll include their name though.
Just got a phone call from them and it is all good now. Apparently, they had the wrong number for me. It was still a bit strange that I never got a response from email or Facebook, but I'm happy it is going to work out.
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