Need help picking a better digi-scoping set up. Thanks


Apr 9, 2014
I am running a new Swarovski sts 65 hd. I know the glass is good, but my pics are NOT turning out that great. I am running an I-phone 7 and a phone scope, and Im not happy at all. The whole system in my opinion is hooky at best. It never lines up that well, and to do away with the vignetting you have to zoom the phone to somewhere around 30-50 percent zoom. When you zoom the phone, thats when the picture quality goes down pretty drastically. I am also sick of fiddling with the phone scope connection to the spotter, it is really tight.
I know there has to be a better option out there. I would rather have a descent small point and shoot camera with a fast connection to the spotter. Does anyone have any ideas? Thanks for any help.....Im getting pretty
I had the same problem with my 7+ and they accepted a return. Cameraland and maybe others has one that shows promise called a Carson Hookupz 2.0. I am told it is a bit of an erector set and learning curve but worth the effort. I do not have one yet but that is the best updated info I have.
yeah I even went and bought an otter box defender case because they said that was the best case and system they had. I didn't want to run my phone without a case as I work construction. So I asked if the defender case was going to cause "the system to be more of a hassle or if it was going to degrade the picture and video quality over running the phone and NO CASE, and they assured me there was no difference. Now I am beginning to wonder if I would have been better off just running it without a case? Oh well, I would rather just go to a point and shoot anyways.

On a separate note........does anyone know if you can purchase a used iPhone and use the camera for video and pics WITHOUT a sims card? That would be cool to run an i-phone WITHOUT a case and not have to worry about messing up your regular phone. Anyone know if thats possible? Thanks
I copied this. A soda bottle and an RX100. So far the best digiscoping setup i have used. It installs easy so you dont lose focus on the animal trying to hook a camera on. The rx100 is the perfect diameter as its near the same size as the ATS eye piece. It may not work as well on an STS though

DIY Digiscoping Adapter – Prairie Birder
On a separate note........does anyone know if you can purchase a used iPhone and use the camera for video and pics WITHOUT a sims card? That would be cool to run an i-phone WITHOUT a case and not have to worry about messing up your regular phone. Anyone know if thats possible? Thanks

Absolutely. I use an I6 for music. It will still connect to wifi for updates and downloads with no sim card installed.

I was in the same spot several weeks back, not wanting to digiscope with a giant I7+ or deal with the heavy battery life. Have been happy using my Olympus TG4 w/ Novagrade adapter, 2 batteries last 10 days. It isn't photography grade quality, as in using a huge lens. But the TG4 has a really good 2.0 lens that mates well. I've filmed upwards of 1600-1900 yards, with decent quality...enough to judge dall sheep and note broomed tips.
If you want another option for using the iPhone check out The Outdoorsmans. I used it on my sheep hunt this year and it is pretty slick. If you want to go the camera route, check out Tines Up. They make adapters for just about every spotter out there and even have kits that come with cameras. I have used both and they both work great just have to decide if you want to go the camera route or iPhone route.
I tried digiscoping and it just didn't work very well for me. Quality was relatively poor at long distances.

I ended up buying a Canon SX60 for my son's bighorn sheep hunt. It has an amazing 65x ultra-zoom lens and takes pretty amazing HD pics and video. I took sheep photos from across canyons and it was a great way to field judge rams. I brought it home and could count rings on the horns on video and pics. It was a great way to field judge and size up rams/horns! The SX60 doesn't have a waterproof body so I store it in a dry bag in my pack. If someone comes up with a waterproof version of this camera I bet it would be tough to keep off the shelves! 65X is as much power as my spotting scope so can really zoom in on distant critters! I use it all the time for bird and other wildlife photos. Video is also pretty darn crisp and good! It is obviously a chunk bigger than an iPhone but it is definitely worth the weight and bulk to me.