Need help buying first pack (Exo Mountain or Kuiu)


Aug 17, 2015
Casper, WY
I drew a great bull tag and need a pack. Will just be hiking in 3-5 miles and staying a weekend at a time. I have my sights set on the Exo Mountain 3500 or the Kuiu Icon Pro 3200. I've heard that there were some problems with earlier Kuiu packs. I've tried to do some research and I'm reading through the long Exo mountain thread now. I need a pack that I can carry in my bow or rifle on the pack and whatever necessities for the weekend and the ability to pack meat out. I'll probably bone the bull out so I"m planning on getting the meat shelf if I by the Exo, doesn't look like I need it on the Kuiu. Need help on deciding on what accessories to buy for each pack.
Main question. Is the Exo worth $100 more then the Kuiu? It sounds like the more fair comparison would be the Exo 3500 and Kuiu 5500 size wise.
About me: I'm only 5'4" and 165 lbs. Former gymnast so I'm in pretty good shape. But, I will need the ability to get the pack to fit.
Budget: These two packs are at the max for my budget. That's why I'm asking. I will spend the extra on the Exo if I need to, but if I can save some and use that money for accessories etc. I'd rather do that.
I know I rambled, sorry. Thanks in advance for helping a FNG out.
If you have the money, or a credit card, buy both and return the one you dont want. That is the best thing you can do.
Personally I could not get along at all with the kuiu, hated the shoulder straps and waist belt. The Exo was slightly better for me, but neither worked as good as the kifaru and stone glacier, both are in a league of their own imho!
i recently went through a similar decision, narrowed it down to stone glacier solo and kuiu pro 3200. i chose the the kuiu due to price and pocket layout. (i like to organize). pack came in last week and i did 8 miles this weekend with 50 lbs. of sand. my last pack was an eberlestock j34, so that's all i can compare to but it was an amazing improvement in comfort. i was nervous about some of the bad reviews kuiu packs get but so far i have nothing good things to say about it. if you have any questions about the kuiu pack i'll be happy to answer anything i can. good luck
I have no experience with the Kuiu but do own the Exo 3500 and I love it. It carries a load really comfortably for me and had just the right amount of organization for how I pack. I love the back stretchy pocket! Anyway in my admittedly biased opinion I'd go with the Exo. However, as was stated above, pack choice can be a very personal thing and what works for one person may not work for you. If you can, try both and keep the one you like best.
I own the larger Exo and absolutely love it. I would steer you to either the Exo or a Kifaru pack. If I had the money I would own both. Kifaru can seem complicated but if you talk to someone that knows what they offer it has some great options. I would call Grant at 1 Shot Gear in Denver and I am sure he would answer any questions you have on Kifaru. Just my two cents
I own A exo 3500. I really like it and enjoy it. But to do over i would go the 5500 or save a little bit more and go Kifaru. I tried the duplex with the mountain warrior at a portland sportsman show. And it's on my wish list now :)
If your on a budget you can get a SG krux frame for 330, pickup a dry bag from wally world, combo with a day sized backpack(hopefully you already have one) or wally world cheapo again. My camp will ride in the dry bag on the load shelf and a few hunting/clothing items in the day pack riding piggy back on the dry bag. On the way out hopefully the dry bag will be full of meat and camp will be taken out a little each trip in the day pack. Next year itll be a sky 5100. Im about your size 5 7 160, and i really like the fit n feel of my SG. My last Badlands pack really inhibited my range of motion/movement but not the new SG. Ive had 70 and 80lbs in it for up t 2 miles so far and that sucker is a load hauler!!!
The Exo 3500 is a nice pack , I had an Icon 5200 , I think the Exo is a bit more rugged than the Icon , both bag and frame , fit me better and carries loads better . Meat shelf and hip belt pouches would be my suggestion on accessories to start with , although the slurpee stalker is great for your water bladder between frame and bag , you could rig something without it or put bladder in side pockets or main bag , also the velcro mesh pockets for inside the lid or main bag are nice , but you can get away without if necessary . The nicest thing about the Exo is its simplicity I think , there aren't straps hanging all over , there aren't pockets and compartments all over , the side zip main bag is easy to access . To me its worth the difference in price , USA made also
Im not pack expert but i just wore my Kuiu Ultra 6000 for 4 days straight and it was comfy , cinched down nice for light day hikes. Only complaint i have is the bag doesn't have enough pockets as i removed the lid while out for the day .
I went through the pack evolution cycle over the past few years. However, I am at the opposite end of the spectrum size wise being 6'5". I went from a Tenzing, tried the Kuiu Ultra 6000 (liked the pack but too small and doubt it will be comfortable with over 50 lbs) and finally ended with Kifaru. For what you are planning, either of the packs you are looking at would be ok. If you think you are going to do this every year, and be successful in harvesting, minimum would be the EXO.

There is a Gritty Bowmen pod cast on packs, I think it is the first one. They talk about how its a balance between comfort / suffering vs cost. If you only are hauling an elk once every 5-10 years, then you can probably suffer through it.
I went through this exercise this spring. Sorry to say the history of Kuiu packs kept me away from them so no advice to offer the there.

I tried the EXO 3500 and a Kifaru Timberline 2. Ended up choosing the Exo.

The features I like most about the EXO are the side zipper (very convenient relative to the single bag top loading T2), the flexibility and just enough pockets. It also cinches down into a very comfortable and small footprint day pack.

I run with 2 belt pouches and the meat shelf.

I also purchased several Kifaru pullouts and will say they are fantastic and keep everything organized and much easier to find.
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Exo 5500. Can always make a big pack smaller. Cant make a small pack bigger. It cinches down to daypack size. Exo's handle weight well too, talking from experience with the pack in the field this year. Several buddies of mine have them as well and they turned me onto them.

Stone Glacier packs are also top notch, first quality packs that carry heavy loads well also. I used one last year and hauled over 100 pounds out with it over many miles.

Kuiu would have a good pack if they would get away from the carbon fiber frame but, they are hung up on the carbon fiber frame sheet.
I own the the Kuiu Icon Pro 3200 on the Ultra frame/suspension. I have liked it but I probably would have gone with the Icon Pro suspension if it was out when I bought mine. I haven't used an Exo but have tried them on. It seems very comfortable and honestly may prefer it over the Kuiu but that's hard to say without having used it in the field. I do like the organization of the Kuiu and the bow holder is nice. I think either of them should work for you. I just packed out part of my mule deer a couple miles with mine last weekend.
I too was looking for a new pack this summer. I ended up with the Stone Glacier Sky 5100 and I'm not looking back. But to your question.....
I work with guys that have a Kifaru EMR II, Exo 3500, and a Kuiu icon pro 7200. I would buy the Exo over Kuiu. I really liked the Exo better. It felt better and I think it is constructed better. Just my 2 cents.
When it comes to packs they are not in the same ballpark. EXO MOUNTAIN by a mile. If you want to add Stone Glacier and Kifaru to the mix you have 3 excellent choices. KUIU makes good clothing. Leave it at that.
Have you checked out the Paradox Unaweep? I bought mine last year and I love it. I know you have your mind set on a couple already but for sure worth a look.

Loaded Paradox 4600. I'm 5' 10 and it fits perfectly . Can carry 100lbs with comfort , as much as 100lbs can be comfortable anyways .
had a kuiu icon 1850 and a icon pro 1850 just couldn't get them to fit right so I made the to a mystery ranch metcalf and I love it.