Need a new 28 Nosler (My Bergara Story)


Jun 3, 2020
Long story short, I bought a new Bergara Premier Mountain 2.0 in 28 Nosler for my elk gun and had a ton of problems with it from day 1. The rifle would barely group at 1" with Nosler 168gr HPBT's, it had a ton of pitting and imperfections in the bore when I bought it brand new, and I kept being told by Bergara CS that it was fine. They recrowned and polished, but stated nothing was wrong with it, which made me chuckle. Their documented 3 shot group with 168 Nosler HPBTs was .9MOA.

I went through about 5 different types of factory ammo (Nosler 160gr accubonds, Nosler 168 HPBT, 150 expansion tips, 160 ballistic tips, and handloaded 160gr Accubonds). Probably put close to 100 rounds through the gun, but without fail, all rounds had a much greater drop and lack of grouping further out you went.

For example, the 150gr expansion tips would hit 8" low and 2" right at 200 yds and the 160gr ballistic tips would hit 12" low and 3" right. We are talking about a 4" group too at 200..... It's like the barrel was somehow destabilizing my projectiles, but I had no keyholes. Never run into this issue before. I contacted Bergara one more time to see if they could look through it one more time, but they basically told me to pound sand and that since it shoots .9 MOA at 100, it'll shoot well at 200, 300, 400, etc.

Everything was tightened, checked, rechecked, remounted multiple times. Both scopes I shot with were checked to make sure they were tracking. I've had multiple people shoot and get the same results. What a bummer, but I just feel like I'll never have confidence in this gun.

So.... I need a new 28 Nosler rifle because I have plenty of ammo, love the fast and flat ballistics, and I have all the necessary handloading equipment for it. Have been looking at the Browning XBolt Hells Canyon Longrange rifles (McMillan stock and the regular one). Anyone have these and highly recommend them in 28 Nosler? Dare I ask if anyone else has had a similar issue with a 28 Nosler from Bergara?
Long story short, I bought a new Bergara Premier Mountain 2.0 in 28 Nosler for my elk gun and had a ton of problems with it from day 1. The rifle would barely group at 1" with Nosler 168gr HPBT's, it had a ton of pitting and imperfections in the bore when I bought it brand new, and I kept being told by Bergara CS that it was fine. They recrowned and polished, but stated nothing was wrong with it, which made me chuckle. Their documented 3 shot group with 168 Nosler HPBTs was .9MOA.

I went through about 5 different types of factory ammo (Nosler 160gr accubonds, Nosler 168 HPBT, 150 expansion tips, 160 ballistic tips, and handloaded 160gr Accubonds). Probably put close to 100 rounds through the gun, but without fail, all rounds had a much greater drop and lack of grouping further out you went.

For example, the 150gr expansion tips would hit 8" low and 2" right at 200 yds and the 160gr ballistic tips would hit 12" low and 3" right. We are talking about a 4" group too at 200..... It's like the barrel was somehow destabilizing my projectiles, but I had no keyholes. Never run into this issue before. I contacted Bergara one more time to see if they could look through it one more time, but they basically told me to pound sand and that since it shoots .9 MOA at 100, it'll shoot well at 200, 300, 400, etc.

Everything was tightened, checked, rechecked, remounted multiple times. Both scopes I shot with were checked to make sure they were tracking. I've had multiple people shoot and get the same results. What a bummer, but I just feel like I'll never have confidence in this gun.

So.... I need a new 28 Nosler rifle because I have plenty of ammo, love the fast and flat ballistics, and I have all the necessary handloading equipment for it. Have been looking at the Browning XBolt Hells Canyon Longrange rifles (McMillan stock and the regular one). Anyone have these and highly recommend them in 28 Nosler? Dare I ask if anyone else has had a similar issue with a 28 Nosler from Bergara?
My smith is making a “shop rifle” in 28 nosler if you are interested in a custom. I have no idea on the price.
As a rifle builder, I have seen a couple Bergara rifles with some pretty bad issues. Earlier this year, a customer didn't have enough windage in his scope to get a 100 yard zero. After some trouble shooting, it was determined that the scope base screws were off center and angled front to back. CS basically said that not possible. I bored the holes larger and tapped them 8-40 in alignment with the barreled action, and the problem was solved. Currently, I have a Bergara 300 PRC with the same issues you're having with your 28 Nosler. It's getting re-barreled.
Long story short, I bought a new Bergara Premier Mountain 2.0 in 28 Nosler for my elk gun and had a ton of problems with it from day 1. The rifle would barely group at 1" with Nosler 168gr HPBT's, it had a ton of pitting and imperfections in the bore when I bought it brand new, and I kept being told by Bergara CS that it was fine. They recrowned and polished, but stated nothing was wrong with it, which made me chuckle. Their documented 3 shot group with 168 Nosler HPBTs was .9MOA.

I went through about 5 different types of factory ammo (Nosler 160gr accubonds, Nosler 168 HPBT, 150 expansion tips, 160 ballistic tips, and handloaded 160gr Accubonds). Probably put close to 100 rounds through the gun, but without fail, all rounds had a much greater drop and lack of grouping further out you went.

For example, the 150gr expansion tips would hit 8" low and 2" right at 200 yds and the 160gr ballistic tips would hit 12" low and 3" right. We are talking about a 4" group too at 200..... It's like the barrel was somehow destabilizing my projectiles, but I had no keyholes. Never run into this issue before. I contacted Bergara one more time to see if they could look through it one more time, but they basically told me to pound sand and that since it shoots .9 MOA at 100, it'll shoot well at 200, 300, 400, etc.

Everything was tightened, checked, rechecked, remounted multiple times. Both scopes I shot with were checked to make sure they were tracking. I've had multiple people shoot and get the same results. What a bummer, but I just feel like I'll never have confidence in this gun.

So.... I need a new 28 Nosler rifle because I have plenty of ammo, love the fast and flat ballistics, and I have all the necessary handloading equipment for it. Have been looking at the Browning XBolt Hells Canyon Longrange rifles (McMillan stock and the regular one). Anyone have these and highly recommend them in 28 Nosler? Dare I ask if anyone else has had a similar issue with a 28 Nosler from Bergara?

I’ve got a CA Ridgeline 28N I’d consider parting with if interested. It’s sitting in a pure precision stock. Good gun just doesn’t get enough time out of the safe.

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As a rifle builder, I have seen a couple Bergara rifles with some pretty bad issues. Earlier this year, a customer didn't have enough windage in his scope to get a 100 yard zero. After some trouble shooting, it was determined that the scope base screws were off center and angled front to back. CS basically said that not possible. I bored the holes larger and tapped them 8-40 in alignment with the barreled action, and the problem was solved. Currently, I have a Bergara 300 PRC with the same issues you're having with your 28 Nosler. It's getting re-barreled.

That’s wild about the windage issue. I suppose this makes me feel better. Thanks for the info. I loved the way the gun felt and looked but sometimes that’s all you get. Just stinks when you pay a premium for it.

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I’ve got a CA Ridgeline 28N I’d consider parting with if interested. It’s sitting in a pure precision stock. Good gun just doesn’t get enough time out of the safe.

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Thx I’ll let you know if I consider CA. What year and model ridge line is it? Last I remembered there were a couple. Feel free to DM and send a pic or what you’re looking to get for it. Thanks!

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I feel like if you're going to shoot a 28 nosler it should be one of these.
No suggestions on your question about the brownings as I’ve never tinkered with those. If you do a little digging on the internet you will find issues similar to yours pretty easily. There’s one thread that comes to mind that has “ber-garbage” in the title, can’t remember where I read that one though. IIRCC there were quite a few people that chimed in there both with problems as well as fanboys
I had a Browning Western Hunter in 28 Nosler. It was a tack driver. A friend and guide in CO loved it, so I traded it to him for a mule deer hunt. It loved to 162 ELDX's.
I have a couple 28's , a Savage Ultrlite and a Seekins . My Savage is the same way with factory loads , but i worked up a load and it's very accurate .
The Seekins shoots factory better .
I have the Savage for sale , with a extra NIB barrel .
No suggestions on your question about the brownings as I’ve never tinkered with those. If you do a little digging on the internet you will find issues similar to yours pretty easily. There’s one thread that comes to mind that has “ber-garbage” in the title, can’t remember where I read that one though. IIRCC there were quite a few people that chimed in there both with problems as well as fanboys
“ber-garbage” 😆
That’s wild about the windage issue. I suppose this makes me feel better. Thanks for the info. I loved the way the gun felt and looked but sometimes that’s all you get. Just stinks when you pay a premium for it.

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You're right, it does stink. If you do enough digging, you'll find that all these factory rifles can have issues no matter how much you pay. I see it all the time. Guy gets a rifle that doesn't shoot. Spends hundreds of dollars on ammo/reloading supplies and tons of time trying to get it shoot. Sends it back to the manufacturer. Manufacturer says "nothings wrong". Guy gets rid of it, usually at a loss. Guy buys another brand and starts the process all over again only to find out the latest/greatest rifle he just picked up is just as bad as the one he's trying to replace. It's the definition of insanity.
You're right, it does stink. If you do enough digging, you'll find that all these factory rifles can have issues no matter how much you pay. I see it all the time. Guy gets a rifle that doesn't shoot. Spends hundreds of dollars on ammo/reloading supplies and tons of time trying to get it shoot. Sends it back to the manufacturer. Manufacturer says "nothings wrong". Guy gets rid of it, usually at a loss. Guy buys another brand and starts the process all over again only to find out the latest/greatest rifle he just picked up is just as bad as the one he's trying to replace. It's the definition of insanity.

Don’t wish that evil on me. I will see how the Browning Hells Canyon McMillan stock shoots. Can’t shoot any worse!

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Had a Browning Hells Canyon 28, shot very well with 175 ABLRs. 5/8" to 3/4" groups and would do better when I did my part. Great rifle, had a friend that wanted it more than I did. Son has a Christensen that shoots about anything very accurately. I have a Fierce Carbon Fury that is Canadian made that shoots outstanding.
Had a Browning Hells Canyon 28, shot very well with 175 ABLRs. 5/8" to 3/4" groups and would do better when I did my part. Great rifle, had a friend that wanted it more than I did. Son has a Christensen that shoots about anything very accurately. I have a Fierce Carbon Fury that is Canadian made that shoots outstanding.

This is great info, thank you!

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Instead of buying a whole new set up have you thought about just rebarreling the bergara? I hate that you are having these issues I've got 2, a ridge and wilderness ridge in 6.5 creedmoor and prc and have no issues. I've definitely read the horror stories and don't believe I'll buy another one and take that gamble. Good luck either way I know that is super frustrating.
Instead of buying a whole new set up have you thought about just rebarreling the bergara? I hate that you are having these issues I've got 2, a ridge and wilderness ridge in 6.5 creedmoor and prc and have no issues. I've definitely read the horror stories and don't believe I'll buy another one and take that gamble. Good luck either way I know that is super frustrating.

Yes I was very close to doing this but at the end of the day I was already 2k into the gun and about 500 in ammo… Bergara customer support suggested I get a prefit from Oregon Mountain or IBI. Figured that was another 800 at least.

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You're right, it does stink. If you do enough digging, you'll find that all these factory rifles can have issues no matter how much you pay. I see it all the time. Guy gets a rifle that doesn't shoot. Spends hundreds of dollars on ammo/reloading supplies and tons of time trying to get it shoot. Sends it back to the manufacturer. Manufacturer says "nothings wrong". Guy gets rid of it, usually at a loss. Guy buys another brand and starts the process all over again only to find out the latest/greatest rifle he just picked up is just as bad as the one he's trying to replace. It's the definition of insanity.

Yep. I've been there where the only respectable choices are:
A: fight it out with the manufacturer and possibly waste time and $ with a second POS
B: list it for sale with disclaimer that what you're selling is a POS (good luck with that sale..)
C: Pay a bunch of money to have a reputable gunsmith fix it, likely with an expensive new barrel.