Anyone have an idea what would cause this kind of ding on the underside of a scope - it’s a fixed 6x so the eye relief normally has this part of the scope over the barrel. It’s an eBay scope that I’m not going to buy because of the dings - it’s just too weird. Lol
I’d think those to be from repeated impact by the same thing. Maybe a metal buckle while riding in an ATV rack, or similar. Or banging on something ridding around in the rig.
Its not from a sight, that would all be in the same place. It clearly was impacting fairly hard into something that left divots in the metal tube over a 1.5” or so area, so whatever it was, was moving significantly relative to the scope. If the mounted scope was hooked onto a nail or something and was bouncing around in that position, maybe? Being used to bang on something looks pretty accurate though.
Probably had it hooked to something. Had to be something that hit at a different point. I doubt it was anything on the rifle itself. That or just straight up abuse. I couldn't guess at the reasoning behind it.
Everyone is presupposing the scope was mounted normally and this area faced the barrel. Imagine the scope turned 90-deg. and these marks could have been made by a lot of things. I've seen/ heard of scopes mounted that way in cases where either ejecting shell casings or bolt handles would hit the adjustment turret if mounted normally. A Winchester 94 top-eject perhaps.