Mystery ranch metcalf- loud squeaks!

Solved the problem! Was struggling with this on two guidelite frames as well. Decided screw it lets void the warranty on the one that doesn't fit as well and see what we can do.

Tried injecting coconut oit into the stay tubing with no luck. Eventually picked the stitches out and removed the 4 vertical stays. After trying grease, graphite, and eletical tape, found that just wrapping each stay in clear packing tape and shoving it back in made the pack almost silent. Stitched the stay tubes back shut with 30lb braided line. Only worry is that my sewing fails but otherwise very happy with the result!
Just an update- I sent the pack in for work. Mystery ranch was actually super helpful and warranted whatever work they did on it. I got the pack back after I was home from elk hunting so it was too late to take out west. I ended up buying a used SG solo and used that this season. No squeaks on that pack yet so between the two I'm hopeful that I'm able to keep a quiet pack

I hate squeaks. Hate hate hate. LOATHE ENTIRELY.
Do you have any updates on the pack after you got it back from warranty? I just recently purchased one and it does the same thing. Curious if their “fix” worked for you or not.

When I talked to the guy at the warranty department, he did tell me their “fix” will not necessarily fix the problem but is a significant improvement for now. He said they are still working on a more permanent solution.
Do you have any updates on the pack after you got it back from warranty? I just recently purchased one and it does the same thing. Curious if their “fix” worked for you or not.

When I talked to the guy at the warranty department, he did tell me their “fix” will not necessarily fix the problem but is a significant improvement for now. He said they are still working on a more permanent solution.
It actually did solve my problem for now as far as I can tell! Im not sure what other fabric they would need to use to avoid this all together but it would be great if they moved to a permanent fix
put some wax on the webbing straps. the squeak means there is movement somewhere.
Mine was from the stays within the stitching. Tried everything. Much better, but still not perfect. I still really like the pack, and when I'm packing out heavy the squeaks let me know I'm alive