Sold Mystery Ranch long side pockets rare

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Mar 26, 2012
These have been sitting in my gear locker since I bought them in 2010 directly from MR. These aren't the long flats pockets with the slit zippers or the long side pockets that came standard on the bdsb or kodiaks. They were a commercial offering on there site that are no longer made. Definitely in excess of 1000 cubic inches a piece. Foliage in color. I had them set aside to put on my bdsb way back when but the bag itself already had a lot of space. They were to be used for my golite shangrila 5 with the fly in one, and the net ground on the other which they fit perfectly to give you a load idea. I ended up just using the torpedo pockets for the tent. These pockets were never fielded and just sat for 15 years smh. You pay what I paid 15 years ago $95 plus tax and shipping $120 via PayPal or venmoKIMG20250210_184226883.JPGKIMG20250210_184245391.JPGKIMG20250210_184159639.JPGKIMG20250210_184226883.JPGKIMG20250210_184245391.JPGKIMG20250210_184159639.JPGKIMG20250210_184140570.JPGKIMG20250210_184048795.JPGKIMG20250210_183806004.JPGKIMG20250210_183652119.JPGKIMG20250210_183630985.JPGKIMG20250210_183419761.JPGKIMG20250210_183345715.JPG
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