Mystery 105 tipped bullet at midway

Thank you sir for being the Guinea pig. But now I’m even more interested in what they are lol. Are they the same as the 106 taps? Have you sectioned one? The mystery continues
I have 106 taps with the clear tips, the base to ogive on these 105s is a touch longer, and the oal is bout 60 thou shorter. Def a different bullet profile. 106tap has a long nose compared to these 105 mystery bullets.
Loaded 5 with 33.2gr 4166 in 6gt. Velocity was 2870 avg. They shot half minute with mostly vertical. I think a bit less, or more would tighten that up as the 105s in 6gt typically like to be 2840s or 2930s depending on powder.

This same charge of 4166 gets 107s going 2930 in another barrel.
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I have 106 taps with the clear tips, the base to ogive on these 105s is a touch longer, and the oal is bout 60 thou shorter. Def a different bullet profile. 106tap has a long nose compared to these 105 mystery bullets.

Isn't the swift scirocco black tipped? Maybe they are making a heavy for cal bullet.
Gotta cut one in half and see what the jacket looks like
The amax has been gone a while so I'd be surprised if that was it.

The seem expensive compared to the 108 eld-m seconds they have as well. I might wind up getting 100 just to satisfy my curiosity.

Keep the ideas coming guys, thanks.
Are the 108 seconds actually 108 ELDM? I’ve got a barrel to break in and the price is appealing.
Order showed are BLACK?!
Base to ogive had a variation of 0.005
Oal has a variation of 0.013
Weight ranged from 104.86 to 105.3gr, vast majority in the 104.9-105.04 range. I chose 40 bullets picked at random from 3 100ct boxes. Ogive profile looks eldm family. The base to ogive measures same as my lot of 109eldms.
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Looks like the tips rounded instead of flat like hornadys dvrt tip technology. But it’s hard to tell for sure in this picture.
I would too, I however don't have proper tools. I do have a dremel with cut-off wheels, not sure if that's the way or not.
The PSA black tipped projectiles were labeled Vmax when I received my orders of Sabre ammunition.

I wonder if that would hold true for these or maybe they are a newer ELDVT to be released as part of that Sabre ammo line?
The price dropped to 24.44 on these. I'm gonna order a couple hundred. I'll section one when I get them.

I would still would really like to know who made these and for what purpose.
The price dropped to 24.44 on these. I'm gonna order a couple hundred. I'll section one when I get them.

I would still would really like to know who made these and for what purpose.

Well for that price, I caved and bought a few hundred to try out.
The bullets came today. I compared them to the 105 amax and 108 eld-m.

The new black tipped bullet measures 1.256" long
105 amax measures 1.234"
108 eld measures 1.260"

L to R-108 eld, 105 midway, 105 amax
Also, I did a quick "sectioning" of the new 105 with my bench grinder. It looks to be constructed almost exactly like a 108 as far as jacket thickness goes and there is no interlock ring.