My Kids Panguitch lake hunt- quality and time balance with school schedule and WY hunt .


Jun 18, 2014
Can anyone help me out with panguitch lake . My Daughter drew both a Panguitch lake early buck tag Oct 9-13 and a general season Wyoming bull tag Oct 15th-24th? I know , lucky. Well she’s a senior in HS and taking some college do She’s flat out to bust to pull all that off.
How good is the PL early rife ? I’m considering two things
1.Return the tag for another day.
2 hunt only the 12th & 13th and burn the remainder of the days.

My thought is to return the tag for her points and live to hunt another day. Seems to be the obvious choice but never hurts to get advise . It’s a bummer because I’ll be in PL for the LE archery in September .

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Deer numbers are doing okayish. Mature bucks are way down but there has been a good fawn crop the last couple years. I have spent a lot of time on the unit and could answer questions you have if you want to DM me. I would not expect to see, let alone harvest a mature buck in 2 days of hunting on the unit.
Thanks for the replies. I figured it was a no go. Just hate to drop a tag that been drawn. Good luck all.

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I don't know anything about the area so I can't offer that. I do have kids though, so I want to add my .02 on that. I'd make memories every chance you have. Your kids will be out of the house soon. Memories on the hunt will be more than just the harvest also so don't worry too much on that. I'm dropping my oldest off at college in 2 weeks so maybe I'm a little sentimental right now.