My E-Bike Bow Mount Setup


Aug 25, 2019
I have an UBCO bike I use for whitetail hunting. I love it. It adds a whole new dimension to hunting, making the trip to and from the stand almost as much fun as the actual hunting. Too, it is silent, gasoline-odor-free, and fast. I hope to never drive another gas powered ATV at least for hunting .

Here are some photos of my bow mount setup on the rear deck of the bike. The Graspur mounts are pretty heavy duty and hold the bow securely. They are thru-bolted to the deck. I had to mount them about an inch higher so that the bow would sit sight-down, which saves space back on the deck for a rucksack too. Note the tie down straps to hold the pack in place.I like having the bow behind me, especially with a quiver full of broadheads.

Questions, let me know.

PS--Spindrift has a good post on the UBCO bike in this same forum.

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like the idea how do you like using the e bike for hunting? Have some public land in md where they can used, been thinking about looking into them
I hunt whitetails in the SE and have been using an E-bike for two seasons now. I will never go back to an ATV except to haul a deer. Ebike is quiet, super fun, and doesn't leave you smelling like two stroke engine when you get to your stand.