My daughter survived Covid and returned to work today!


Oct 3, 2019
My son is at ND...yep he was on the field after that last game...and is required to have a clear test before leaving campus for fall break. They get tested regularly.

University report 5 weeks ago;
Students at 50 universities with Covid since August the start of school; 69,444 positive tests, 3 hospitalized, zero deaths

My buddy that's a firefighter in a big CA city...if they find a dead homeless person....cause of death is automatic- Covid- as they get Fed funds where if its a drug or alcohol overdose...they don't.

My wife is a nurse treating home Covid patients weekly and has not contacted it [proper procedures work, Kaiser has very strict PPE] One Skilled nursing facility she visits had 27 people 25%.

The detailed stats tell the story with Covid, unfortunately we aren't getting those....just the scare tactics from politicians; The patients in that Nursing home all had health problems and avg age was over 80. None were under 73. All had multiple complications....but Covid was listed as the cause of death.

Bottom line; The total case stats are deceiving and I think we aren't getting the whole story.

If you have diabetes or health issues especially respiratory issues....or are over the age of 75-80, absolutely use strict protocols. If you are a somewhat healthy person.....wash your hands and don't touch your face..... don't let Covid wreck your life.

Could it be the test is faulty? Remember when coming up with a test that gave accurate results was an issue and they didnt want to rush the creation of a test? But it was rushed anyway. The media kept pushing testing testing testing yet we have more testing done than any other country by a long shot.
Then, Covid is a coronavirus within the flu and cold family thus many many false positives and a whole heck of a lot of mild symptoms. To boot, asymptomatic carriers. When the test is faulty and immune systems are constantly battling various sicknesses we dont even have symptoms from will test positive.
Covid has killed less people than aborted babies this year. By far. Despicable.
Dont get me wrong. Its tragic when lives are lost due to -real- covid sickness. Any life lost is tragic. If doctors with solutions weren't censored, we could probably sustain even less death numbers and maybe even come up with a more accurate test.
That is if the CDC even had the actual C19 strain to create a test off of. But that is something else.

Happy to hear the OPs daughter is doing well. Being a nurse has got to be a very underpaid job these days. If the media held any merit, medic field jobs should be getting serious hazard pay.
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Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
Could it be the test is faulty? Remember when coming up with a test that gave accurate results was an issue and they didnt want to rush the creation of a test? But it was rushed anyway. The media kept pushing testing testing testing yet we have more testing done than any other country by a long shot.
Then, Covid is a coronavirus within the flu and cold family thus many many false positives and a whole heck of a lot of mild symptoms. To boot, asymptomatic carriers. When the test is faulty and immune systems are constantly battling various sicknesses we dont even have symptoms from will test positive.
Covid has killed less people than aborted babies this year. By far. Despicable.
Dont get me wrong. Its tragic when lives are lost due to -real- covid sickness. Any life lost is tragic. If doctors with solutions weren't censored, we could probably sustain even less death numbers and maybe even come up with a more accurate test.
That is if the CDC even had the actual C19 strain to create a test off of. But that is something else.

Happy to hear the OPs daughter is doing well. Being a nurse has got to be a very underpaid job these days. If the media held any merit, medic field jobs should be getting serious hazard pay.

About the only accurate idea in this is that more babies have been aborted in the US than people killed by COVID in the US, but considering that the US murders over half a million babies a year that is not saying much. In fact, excess mortality data paints a picture of under counting COVID related deaths by almost 1/3rd. (I'm assuming you are talking about abortion numbers, because I'm not aware of an aborted baby every killing someone).

Doctors with solutions are not censored, only someone who does not read medical journals could even think that is the case. Doctors who push remedies that have been proven not to work are a different story. The fact that mortality rates have been cut in half in under 6 months is a testament to a very rapid sharing and testing of ideas.

SARS-COV-2 has no relation to the influenza family of viruses. Colds are not a family of viruses at all, rather it is a description of symptoms caused by several different viruses, some of which are corona viruses.

When it comes to test per million population, the US is barely in the top 20. It should be obvious why tests per million, and not total tests, is the number of value here.


Oct 3, 2019
About the only accurate idea in this is that more babies have been aborted in the US than people killed by COVID in the US, but considering that the US murders over half a million babies a year that is not saying much. In fact, excess mortality data paints a picture of under counting COVID related deaths by almost 1/3rd. (I'm assuming you are talking about abortion numbers, because I'm not aware of an aborted baby every killing someone).

Doctors with solutions are not censored, only someone who does not read medical journals could even think that is the case. Doctors who push remedies that have been proven not to work are a different story. The fact that mortality rates have been cut in half in under 6 months is a testament to a very rapid sharing and testing of ideas.

SARS-COV-2 has no relation to the influenza family of viruses. Colds are not a family of viruses at all, rather it is a description of symptoms caused by several different viruses, some of which are corona viruses.

When it comes to test per million population, the US is barely in the top 20. It should be obvious why tests per million, and not total tests, is the number of value here.

I wont entertain this much. Doctors with solutions have been censored. When they came out, on video, they were banned off most of the internet. So you have to actually try to find the videos. The majority of the internet follows suit with the global agenda 2030. If the doctor isnt spewing what the UN and WHO suggest, they are censored. That is a fact.
The fact that youre saying half a million murdered babies isnt saying much, actually says a whole lot.
If you were to do honest digging, you might find more on coronaviruses. But considering you're saying half a million babies being aborted isnt much, I would imagine you would turn the cheek to any data outside your comfort zone. Then again, it goes back to the agenda 2030. They dont want you believing anything outside of their box. Like maybe some basic daily vitamins prevents an entire host of illnesses. Or maybe a face diaper collecting bacteria from the world's second most dirty mouth, breathed back into our lungs causes bacterial pneumonia, which they just put covid as the cause yet we are having a record low flu season....maybe because they put everything in covid now. Tough to believe I know. Some people are effected differently. Maybe some people just have a cold or flu and we have a very bad test?

After all, we are Americans. Why would we want to live outside our comfort zones, let alone think outside them?

And that's okay. But it still doesnt make any of it facts.


May 31, 2017
I care for covid patients.

After 8 months we have a pretty good handle on how this stuff acts, which is completely unpredictable. Our ICU is overwhelmed, most of our cardiopulmonary floor is isolation, and two of our wings has been fitted with ventilators and assigned as an ICU pods.

Compassion fatigue is a real thing. Month after month of watching people's lives torn apart is very stressful. My floor is full of the finest nurses you could imagine and the wear on their faces is very real.

You are full of shit if you think only 80 year old people with significant comorbidities are being effected by this. I care for people in their 50's and 60's on a regular basis with no serious previous medical conditions. I certainly won't go into specifics but for a fact I have watched people devastated by this stuff who you would never imagine being at high risk.

I just don't understand why people are so against wearing a mask. It really isn't a big deal and you very well may be saving the life of someone you care about. This is real. It sucks. And it is killing people every day. Do your part, it's not that hard.

Absolutely terrified of flu season. I lost two patients last year from flu. Add covid to that and it could be bad. We are all scared.


Oct 3, 2019

Unlike some people. I do understand why some people have such bad Stockholm syndrome. Its incredibly sad.

I'll do my part, take my vitamins and remain healthy. Fact is, people are lazy and incredibly unhealthy. Anything comes their way they get sick. All sorts of things have been altered to make people sick over the past few decades.
Your name, fatcamp says it. Unhealthy.

By the way, does the CDC even have the actual coronavirus strain the test tests for? Or are you assuming it does without actually looking?
Their website avoids the idea that they do and the test is actually testing for it.

I'm doing my part. Thank you.
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Oct 3, 2019
The path of least resistance is human nature. Flicking on the tv or even getting an education in an indoctrination center is just that. Take what they say and it must be true without even digging deeper for answers. I'm happy you are helping out with this global issue. Be sure to understand the roots before taking face value as bible. 👍

And yes, I do feel sympathy for all those who are I'll with this manufactured virus. It's terrible how evil mankind is.


Jun 18, 2014
You obviously don't have even the most basic understanding these topics and have fallen victim to fake experts seeking attention by floating unsupported conspiracy theories.

Opinions are supposed to be based on knowledge and evidence, not serve as their substitute.

"Better to be silent and thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
@SlickStickSlinger I should stick with Mark Twain on this. You are clearly willing to twist anything out of context to make it fit your narrative and attack others. As you can only cite quacks ("that is a fact," because saying it is makes it so:rolleyes:) and flat-earth/chemtrail level conspiracy theories I have a pretty good idea that nothing will change your mind. It is always amusing listening to a sheep, that thinks he is a sheepdog, bleat.

A few months ago people could at least claim there was a lack of evidence on the efficacy of masks, that is no longer the case. As for your idea on pneumonia, it is laughable and the idea only exists in places such as Facebook while being easily debunked from multiple angles. Once again, evidence on who really does not "ever dig deeper."

By the way, with influenza it is almost always secondary infections that kill people, this is common knowledge and has been for a very long time. At this point, trying to apply this to SARS-COV-2 is evidence of not "ever digging deeper," you should not project your own foibles on others.


Dec 4, 2017
OP, glad to hear your daughter is recovered.

So many differing opinions. The only thing that sticks out to me is that covid effects everyone differently. My in-law's grandfather was mid 80s and healthy and he passed from it within 2 weeks. No underlying conditions and he still ran the day to day on his cattle ranch in his mid 80s. My wife's grandmother got it and would have never known had it not been for a nurse testing positive which made everyone get a test....she's in her 90s. Wife's aunt has it now and has symptoms of a common cold. We had a few people at work have it run through their families and they all had varying symptoms. Everyone responds differently. My hope is that the losses are minimal and that we can all get back to normal life soon.


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Scary stuff. I care for Covid patients and while most don't have much of an issue those who do, really do. My three patients yesterday were all in their early 60's, no serious underlying issues, and they are in bad shape.

If I haven't had it probably only a matter of time. I was really sick in March with many of the symptoms, but am too cheap to pay $80 for the antibody test.
God bless ya, Fatcamp. Folks like you and the OP's daughter are on the front lines and deserve our support and love.

My wife and I lost a very dear friend two weeks ago to the 'rona. We still can't believe he's gone.


Sep 11, 2015
South Dakota
My wife just got over it. Had migraines and a cough. Took a little longer to walk out mule deer hunting this weekend but I think the blisters she didn’t tell me about till last night were more of an issue


Oct 3, 2019
@SlickStickSlinger I should stick with Mark Twain on this. You are clearly willing to twist anything out of context to make it fit your narrative and attack others. As you can only cite quacks ("that is a fact," because saying it is makes it so:rolleyes:) and flat-earth/chemtrail level conspiracy theories I have a pretty good idea that nothing will change your mind. It is always amusing listening to a sheep, that thinks he is a sheepdog, bleat.

A few months ago people could at least claim there was a lack of evidence on the efficacy of masks, that is no longer the case. As for your idea on pneumonia, it is laughable and the idea only exists in places such as Facebook while being easily debunked from multiple angles. Once again, evidence on who really does not "ever dig deeper."

By the way, with influenza it is almost always secondary infections that kill people, this is common knowledge and has been for a very long time. At this point, trying to apply this to SARS-COV-2 is evidence of not "ever digging deeper," you should not project your own foibles on others.

I was looking for Trudeaus recent comments on the global reset and agenda 2030 and found this video. It's worth mentioning the reason the deaths jumped in April was because governors sent senior citizens with preexisting "old people" issues to nursing homes. Which....obviously killed a bunch of people. Pretty evil.

There is also

There are also many articles about Dr. F and Mr. G doing illegal bio research in the Carolinas. A bio ethics board said they had to shut it down. Guess where they relocated their facility? That's right. Wuhan.

All of this is only the tip of the tip of the iceberg.

I too am happy the OPs daughter is doing well. There really isnt a whole lot to be afraid of in good care. Just dont let them intubate.
Anyways. You guys have a good time drawing your own conclusions. I'm just a messenger. 👋
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Oct 3, 2019

O yeah, then there is this. I know I know. More Mark Twain. 😂
Cant make this up fellas!

By the way, google is ran by who again? Where did this come from and where is the WHO getting orders under? You dont suppose facebook (which I do not have) falls under the umbrella of google and the WHO do you? No my friend, I'm not living in a fantasy land and am sure as heck not just running off a "conspiracy theory"
Also. I find it strange anytime truth begins to surface, mainstream and technocracies begin calling it a conspiracy theory or flat out censor it when they are obviously trying to hide something.
But like I said, draw your own conclusions. At the least, look into some of the information. Or not. All is well.
You should see Dr. Buttar talk about what Canada has planned for the next year. Yikes!
Have a good one 😝
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Sep 29, 2012
Meanwhile people in South Dakota were incredulous to their last moments that they were dying from a hoax.


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
@SlickStickSlinger you paid $450 for Buttar's inside information on COVID? I think you should. You can join the cancer patients he was charged with defrauding in 2010.

People do die, even with good care. A good friend of mine just passed this afternoon, my mom was one of the ICU nurses and called to tell his wife (one of her friends) that Tim was unlikely to survive the day.

Anyway, I got to get back to work, doing my part to achieve the Reset. Trump ordered an increased operational tempo as we have been failing to spread the virus fast enough and 1000 plus deaths a day just will not get us to our January 20th goals. For some reason it does not survive passage through the turbines very well. We haven't figured out why yet, but our best people are working on it. Some idiot on the team thought is was the 2000 C combustion chamber that was the problem, so we fired the traitor. Lucky for use, we all got a vaccine before the US Army released the virus at the Wuhan military games.


Classified Approved
May 16, 2020
My wife just got over it. Had migraines and a cough. Took a little longer to walk out mule deer hunting this weekend but I think the blisters she didn’t tell me about till last night were more of an issue
Glad she did well.
Feb 20, 2014
Southwest Colorado
@SlickStickSlinger you paid $450 for Buttar's inside information on COVID? I think you should. You can join the cancer patients he was charged with defrauding in 2010.

People do die, even with good care. A good friend of mine just passed this afternoon, my mom was one of the ICU nurses and called to tell his wife (one of her friends) that Tim was unlikely to survive the day.

Anyway, I got to get back to work, doing my part to achieve the Reset. Trump ordered an increased operational tempo as we have been failing to spread the virus fast enough and 1000 plus deaths a day just will not get us to our January 20th goals. For some reason it does not survive passage through the turbines very well. We haven't figured out why yet, but our best people are working on it. Some idiot on the team thought is was the 2000 C combustion chamber that was the problem, so we fired the traitor. Lucky for use, we all got a vaccine before the US Army released the virus at the Wuhan military games.
View attachment 233032

Rashid Ali Buttar (born January 20, 1966) is an American conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccine proponent, and an osteopathic physician from Charlotte, North Carolina.[1] He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.[2] He has twice been reprimanded by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for unprofessional conduct[3][4] and cited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for illegal marketing of unapproved and adulterated drugs.[5][6][7]

During the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic, a series of videos featuring Buttar were posted to YouTube by the fake news website[24][25] Next News Network, in which Buttar advanced a conspiracy theory claiming that NIAID director Anthony Fauci's research helped create COVID-19, as well as numerous other false claims, such as that 5G cell phone networks and "chemtrails" cause COVID-19.[26][13][27] YouTube removed the video a week after it was posted, replacing it with a message saying, "This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines."[27]


Oct 3, 2019


Rashid Ali Buttar (born January 20, 1966) is an American conspiracy theorist, anti-vaccine proponent, and an osteopathic physician from Charlotte, North Carolina.[1] He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.[2] He has twice been reprimanded by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for unprofessional conduct[3][4] and cited by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for illegal marketing of unapproved and adulterated drugs.[5][6][7]

During the 2019-20 coronavirus pandemic, a series of videos featuring Buttar were posted to YouTube by the fake news website[24][25] Next News Network, in which Buttar advanced a conspiracy theory claiming that NIAID director Anthony Fauci's research helped create COVID-19, as well as numerous other false claims, such as that 5G cell phone networks and "chemtrails" cause COVID-19.[26][13][27] YouTube removed the video a week after it was posted, replacing it with a message saying, "This video has been removed for violating YouTube’s Community Guidelines."[27]

Are you citing from a place that censors people similar to what Dorsey and Zuckerberg are doing saying that they can read the news and determine what is false? ...mmmm like chinese owned google would do?
You laugh? I laugh harder. Did you look up the Bill he cited?
It's there. In black and white. Dont make yourself look more silly because you copy and pasted something a search engine told you. As it stands, your gullible at best.
People are being swindled in every potential way. Control communication and the masses won't know any different. Generally people are lazy and dont even put in any effort to find truth. As this guy LoL'ing has done. All the evidence in the world is there.

The sad part is, they have washed a lot of peoples minds into being lazy and have the need to be spoon fed. This makes people want to be spoon fed even more.

You have to want to find it.

It's okay. It's all planned this way so people will want more of the lies they offer.
What does he say? Marxist Lennonists? 3 generation at least? What year was this filmed? Oh. It's pretty wild. Ignorance is not bliss. Its enslavement. Flat out.
What are the young people rioting wearing black burning down buildings following? AOC?

If this election is stolen like they stole Venezuela, America will never have a fair election again. . .like Venezuela.
Covid is the smoke screen to something a lot bigger.
Crazy conspiracy right? Do some digging and let your human instinct kick in. Because all of it makes sense once you begin to put the pieces together. Especially when you read Revelation. Those flying mechanic bugs John of Patmos talks about, are drones.

And its alllllll tied into Covid-19. As if Covid really is worth locking the entire planet down over...
Like I said, just a messenger. 👋
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Oct 3, 2019
I couldn't help myself.

If you want to start digging into what you already turned over. What you copied and pasted says it is a conspiracy theory Fauci developed coronavirus. Well, not exactly. Look into it. Him and Gates started research in the Caralinas before a bio ethics board said what they were doing is wrong and illegal (wonder what they were doing)
So they moved the bio lab to Wuhan.
Dig a little past the regular communication narrative calling everything a conspiracy. You'll find actual documents. Then you're onto something.

Best of luck 👋