My CO hunt was a success....

Jun 20, 2012
Windsor CO/Sonora MX
...and I have yet to pull the trigger.

I found a nice buck last week and it just wasn't what I was looking for. I am more than happy to eat tag soup if I can't find what I want so taking my buddy and his 14 year old son in to hunt the buck I found was a no brainer.

They snuck in and shot him at 58 yards today and the smile on their faces was priceless. Helping a father and son create a great memory that will last their lifetimes is something that I will cherish forever.

I'll get pics up ASAP but the buck is 27" outside and grosses 179" hard horn. I had him at 182" gross in velvet so he is exactly what I though he was. Not bad for a 14 year olds first buck

Hopefully I can find a 190"+ buck this week but if I don't my season was already one of the most successful I've ever had
Here he is on the hoof last week...



And here is an iPhone pic of the back of the camera. I will get the best pics up when I get to a computer. Posting from the mountain on my iPhone now



Needless to say, my buddy and his son can't stop smiling and that makes this week perfect!