My 2021 Alaska Caribou


May 16, 2022
@WI Shedhead I never had him scored or measured nor did I ever try to do it myself simply because no matter what he were to score, I wouldn't hesitate to pull the trigger on something similar. I look at him every day and think what an amazing, beautiful animal and am happy with the way he turned out. That said if I had to venture a guess I would put him in the low to mid 300 range...Something like 310 - 330??? 🤷‍♂️
Very nice looking mount. What date was your harvest? We went in 2021, at the end of August and all of our Caribou were in velvet. My mount looks nice but now I want my next Caribou to be without velvet. We were on the north side of the Brooks Range, 8/25 - 8/28.
If anyone has information on where and when we can go next and harvest an animal with clean antlers please help.
By the way we flew with Brooks Range Aviation from the village of Bettles. They were great and I highly recommend them. We flew out on Beavers with floats.


Dec 24, 2012
Delta Jct, Alaska
Usually, about 9/1 the bulls will show some white on their necks and be shedding velvet. Last year, we went into the 40 Mile on the 5th od September and when we left on 15th, they looked quite nice.