Muzzle Break on Hunting Rifle


Sep 18, 2021
I have an extra Surefire Warcomp laying around, I was thinking about installing it on my Sig Cross 308 with Proof Barrel and put a Surefire Warden on the end. Any one do this before? Any foreseeable issue?

Please tell me I'm an idiot for even trying this.

I have an extra Surefire Warcomp laying around, I was thinking about installing it on my Sig Cross 308 with Proof Barrel and put a Surefire Warden on the end. Any one do this before? Any foreseeable issue?

Please tell me I'm an idiot for even trying this.


It might reduce recoil a bit but I'd sure prefer a suppressor.
I wont put a break on a hunting rifle, or any gun that I am not using as a dedicated range only gun.

The chances of real hearing damage from a single round fired without hearing protection is not a trivial one.

I want my user guns to be able to be used in a way that will not cause me harm and while hearing protection is required for every shot its not always practical in hunting, and nearly never for defensive use. I dont want my gun causing me permanent damage in that scenario.

I would either deal with the recoil or suppress it.
I'd choose a better brake or supressor. All my hunting rifles have brakes or cans. I don't take shots without ear pro if the rifle wears a brake.
Self control isn't that difficult. Don't shoot guns with brakes without ear plugs

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Thank you for the suggestion! Duelly noted.

I dont live in a state where suppressors are allowed. Maybe one day
I have an extra Surefire Warcomp laying around, I was thinking about installing it on my Sig Cross 308 with Proof Barrel and put a Surefire Warden on the end. Any one do this before? Any foreseeable issue?

Please tell me I'm an idiot for even trying this.

The foreseeable issue is when you are 45 years old and the ringing in your ears NEVER stops....ever...all day long.

Everyone has good intentions to use ear plugs. Watch some hunting videos and take note how many times people don't put their earplugs in when using a break.
There's no need to put a brake on a hunting rifle, especially a 308. Not worth the noise, to a lesser extent it might also affect your zero.
I did too much goose hunting in highschool and my ears have rang since then.

That being said I've hunted with a muzzlebrake for the last 3 seasons and while I'd rather have a suppresor, I'll continue to use the brake until I buy one. I would say I won't take a shot without ear plugs and I haven't yet, but if I'm about to lose an opportunity on a 200"+ mule deer I'll probably just deal with more hearing damage.
I wouldn't, one shot with a Browning Boss years ago, and my ears were ringing for several days. Regular barrel is survivable, but still not ideal. I take the time to put ear pro on now, even if I miss out on an animal.
I wont put a break on a hunting rifle, or any gun that I am not using as a dedicated range only gun.

The chances of real hearing damage from a single round fired without hearing protection is not a trivial one.

I want my user guns to be able to be used in a way that will not cause me harm and while hearing protection is required for every shot its not always practical in hunting, and nearly never for defensive use. I dont want my gun causing me permanent damage in that scenario.

I would either deal with the recoil or suppress it.
Amen. I throw brakes in the junk drawer.
I won’t shoot without ear pro anymore either, and there is certainly no way I would consider a break after experiencing them a few times.
Sounds like excessive weight that dosnt earn its keep. Id prefer a side baffle ti pro variant if a brake but using what you have goes a long way on your bank account… i have surefire warcomp three prongs on gas 308’s but thats a different set up. Never used a warden. Good luck.
Got me about age 25. I cut quite a few Browning barrels after Boss bit me good. The 4 day old BAR that bit me got slung out of a 30 ft high stand never to be touched by me again.
Same here. Small engines and duck blinds for me.