Mule Deer: Post Wildfire Recovery for Woody browse and Forage Availability


Sep 2, 2024
I would like to ask folks that have hunted western-mule deer in areas that have experienced wildfire how long has it taken for shrub and/or various woody-browse to recover on the landscape. I know that it does not take more than a growing season or two for native forbs and grasses to reoccupy areas of wildfire, but as woody browse contributes significantly the mule deer diet, I would like to get your observations on how many growing season and what species of shrubs hunters have noticed returning to the landscape.

Just depends on the species, Big sage will take a long time, Silver Sage will be back the next year. Been my experience that fire is good for most of he woody browse that deer love. Not so good for big bucks though where hunting pressure is an issue.
Just depends on the species, Big sage will take a long time, Silver Sage will be back the next year. Been my experience that fire is good for most of he woody browse that deer love. Not so good for big bucks though where hunting pressure is an issue.
Thanks for the input... pretty hard for an old buck to hide in the black for sure. Glad to see a silver lining, hard to remember sometimes that fire is a natural process that has been part of the ecology long before we were here.
Depends on a lot.
Sage and bitterbrush can be 80 years old +
If there is competition for resources, native browse usually loses.
Post fire rehab efforts can shortcut the process.