Mule Deer Foundation Banquet Questions


Jun 13, 2019
I’ve never been to a Mule Deer Foundation banquet before, but a friend invited me to one. He said the doors open at 5 and dinner is at 7. For those who have been, what happens before dinner, is it mainly auctions, or are there other activities like games or raffles? Do people usually show up right at 5, or does it take a while for things to get going? Are there free raffles included with admission, or is everything ticket-based or auctioned separately? How competitive do the auctions get, and is it mostly big-ticket items, or are there smaller prizes as well? Also, is there a set schedule for the evening, or does it tend to be more relaxed? Just curious, appreciate any insight!
Like every single fundraising banquet, people will be there when the doors open. There will be lots of raffles, games, and ways for you to spend money. Nothing will go "cheap" is it's a fundraiser, not a garage sale. Go, enjoy yourself and spend as much or as little as you want. There nothing wrong with supporting a cause you believe in.

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There will be a silent auction I bet, several games to win chances at a prize, raffles and alcohol to help you spend a little.
You may get lucky and win a gun or nice prize of you play the games. We've taken home several guns from various banquets.
Some items may go cheap in the auction but don't count on it.
As stated go have fun.
Pretty good info above. I’ve been to one and got lucky on a couple of raffles, including a Henry lever action that I donated back for the live auction. I really enjoyed the experience.