MT Mountain Goat 314

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406 MT

Sep 27, 2024
Hi All!

Long time lurker, but 1st time being a member. I was fortunate enough to draw the Mountain Goat tag for 314 in Montana! Super stoked (especially only having 1 bonus point!) Was curious if any other members had experience in this district and could point me to some spots where they've seen some goats? You can always PM me some on x waypoints too if that's easier. I haven't been out scouting yet, but plan to this weekend. I'm relatively new to hunting, and have only killed one deer in my life. Is mountain goat hunting similar? Haven't done a ton of research on them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
So you drew the tag and haven't scouted at all yet? Isn't the hunt open now? At this point, I wouldn't expect much help - especially in the form of OnX waypoints.
No not yet. I was told to wait for hair so have been delaying my scouting. I've been walking a mile a day to get into shape which seems to be helping. The season opened on the 1st. Thanks for the response. If you know of anyone who's hunted the unit, please have them reach out to me.
The only thing I know about hunting them is that it looks like you need to be in super good shape just to get close enough to even have an opportunity

Good luck

Post a recap when you get back
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