Good timing. I've been living in Oregon for 11 years, and it was not until this year that I saw my first Lions in the wild.
The first time was this past February when my buddy and I were out shed hunting. We had sat down on a ridge and were glassing the opposite draw, when my friend says "Holy $hit their is a mountain lion!" He had popped up on a little crest in the draw about 70 yards from where we were sitting, and quickly dropped down into some brush when he saw us. Armed with nothing but pistols we crept up toward the edge of the brush and both caught movement about 30 yards in, and determined there were actually 2 cats hiding inside. They took off out the opposite side, and we got a couple shots off but nothing came of it.
My second encounter was 8 days ago while elk hunting in Eastern Oregon. I had been sitting on an active wallow all day, cow calling occasionally. About 45 mins before dark I got up to hunt my way back toward camp. I did my best to keep quiet, but certainly made enough noise putting my gear away and shouldering my pack to alert an animal in a 100 yard radius. I started back toward camp, got about 30 yards away from where I had been sitting all day and glanced up the hill to my right. Still hard to believe what I was saw, but there was a cat belly crawling in my direction. I had caught her mid step, left foot out in front, and quartering my direction. Eyes were wide and staring right at me. There is no question she knew I was there, but hard to say what her intent was. Its possible she was still trying to figure out what I was, but definitely was not scarred yet. I knocked an arrow, ranged at 24 yards, drew and put one right behind her left shoulder. She did a backflip, rolled around a few times, and fell dead about 6 yards from where I spotted her. Whole thing was over in about 30 seconds. When skinning I determined the arrow cracked her spine, rattled around inside a bit, but passed through and came out her rear right quarter.
I was 9 miles from the truck and didn't have any measuring implements, but guess she was about 100-110lbs. It was on my bucket list to take a cat with a bow, and always figured I would have to go someplace and hunt with hounds, so this was like a dream come true.