I'd say in many regards you are in for a tremendous hunting/fishing culture shock, but there are still some world-class opportunities to be had if you put in some windshield time. Near you, deer hunting the suburbs can be amazing, but it's all about finding access to private. Get used to claustrophobic properties if you play that game, often like 5-10 acres or less. It's a totally different type of hunting and one that frankly I don't care for at all, but it can be incredibly productive.
Some stuff within a reasonable drive
-Good to great saltwater fishing in NY/NJ and DelMarVA. Bays, inshore, offshore, always something going on
-Best walleye fishing in the world in Lake Erie
-Good to great freshwater salmon fishing in Lake Ontario
-Lots of good wild trout and smallmouth bass fishing. Don't overlook smallies if you enjoy steelhead fishing, they are a blast
-A 1-4 hour drive from good public whitetail and turkey hunting in multiple states. Choose your adventure, mountain deer (generally less deer, less people) or broken farm country (more deer, more people). You can basically deer hunt half the year from September through February somewhere with a bow.
-Less than a day's drive to NY, NH, or Maine for all sorts of backcountry hunts that may be more reminiscent of certain parts of the western hunting experience. Lots of surprisingly remote stuff in PA, WV, VA too.
Elk is basically a once in a lifetime opportunity in PA, nothing to bank on by any means. Way less than 1% draw odds for resident bull tags. Your closest reasonable elk hunting is Colorado.
Good luck! Not a bad area down there for other stuff to do besides hunting if you can handle the traffic and assholes.