I have a hard time buying the durability claims, granted I can only speak about the rain gear. I have abused their gear in remote logging camps doing both work and hunting and fishing. Day in and day out i
on Prince of Wales. I’ve seen the Yukon give up before the seak. The omen is even better. Not much out there can test raingea like running a chainsaw falling and bucking old growth timber or tending hook on a yarder side, then going hunting or fishing after work. I really don’t give a damn if they acquire another brand, and I typically only spend money on rain gear.
on Prince of Wales. I’ve seen the Yukon give up before the seak. The omen is even better. Not much out there can test raingea like running a chainsaw falling and bucking old growth timber or tending hook on a yarder side, then going hunting or fishing after work. I really don’t give a damn if they acquire another brand, and I typically only spend money on rain gear.