Mounting a holster on hipbelt


Jun 23, 2016
I am trying to figure out how to mount a holster for my 357 Ruger on the hipbelt of my Kifaru duplex pack. I am sick of carrying it on my belt while carrying my backpack. Any ideas??
The Sherpa set up will not work with a wheel gun, but it would work with my Glock i suppose. I would prefer to carry my 357.
Do a search for holster and see what comes up and you'll get some good reading and info. This gets asked a lot and it's always a mixture of Serpa, Safepacker and KCT.
I use a Blade-Tech with tek lok for my S&W 329PD in .44 mag. Holster securely clips righ on the molle webbing, yet is easy to take on and off if you want to put your pack down and carry on your belt.
Despite the fact that I,'ve never really liked the way chest holsters look , decided to try one. Had it out for the first time today.
First day of hunting season. Kifaru pack, rifle over the shoulder, track soup, with seconds..
Surprised me, forgot it was there most of the time.
Tried one by Clark Fork Leather, nylon straps, leather holster with a thumb break..
Had a 44 Mag, 5" 629 riding around in it, will be using it again!
you guys using the chest rigs, are any of you able to have like a FHF harness or anything on while having the chest holster on?
Worried I don't have enough "real estate" for a 5.5" redhawk as well as a FHF harness...
check out JC Custom Kydex, he does great work and is super familiar with Kifaru packs. Holsters come with malice clips and mate up perfectly with the pals webbing on your waist belt.
Kifaru pistol holster adapter or something like that. Its some stiff webbing with clips to which you can run any holster you want on it. For $13 its not bad. It can be a bit floppy if you aren't thoughtful with how you set it up. I've run revolvers with mine and seem to prefer it set up on a cross-draw.
I seldom carry a handgun unless I'm tagged out just helping another hunter or on a scouting trip. If I'm packing a rifle I usually don't pack a handgun and I don't bowhunt. When I do pack one I use my Eberlestock bino harness and use the holster pocket on the back for my S&W 386 XL Hunter. Its a discontinued 357 basically a scandium frame version of the 7 shot 6" 686. It's as light as my 4" SP101 and easier to shoot well. I have a 5.5" Redhawk and a Diamond D leather chest holster for it also but haven't yet been on a hunt where I needed to pack it. I enjoy shooting it and have plans to hunt with it during antlerless season, but haven't hunted anywhere I felt I needed to pack it. It's much heavier and bulkier than the 357.
I bought the Jimmy Tarps mount but it was too flimsy form my pistol. Replaced the tri-glide mounting with molle clips and it's a lot better. Running a Blackhawk holster with my Alaskan 454.
KCT Kydex is what I have for my 4" gp100. They have that mold even if it isn't listed on there. Its great!

JC Custom Kydex made mine. You can kind of see it there in the picture. Attaches quickly and also detaches fast to put on your belt if you want when your pack is off. Good price too.

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