Most versatile binos??

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
This is kinda like the Kifaru pack argument. Frankly, I have used the ELs since 2004. Bit the bullet and didn't look back. Isn't that what everyone says about the Kifaru packs? I was shocked on how I was picking up animals this fall with the ELs. I spotted some desert sheep at a distance that I still can't believe. The oryx stood out like neon signs. I won't say that there isn't better glass out there, but the ELs set the bar pretty high.

No disagreement there at all. Like I said they are awesome glass. I owned a pair. Just felt my $$$ was better spent towards other items to hunt with and I do fine with glass that is nearly half the price. To each their own. Just sharing my experience thats all. If you like them then thats awesome. I liked mine too....just not enough for the $$$
Aug 29, 2013
I used Swarovski 10x50's for quite awhile and now own Zeiss 10x42 Victory HT's.
Love the lighter weight of the 10x42's and would not return to the 50's.
Would not mind having an extra pair of Victory HT 12x50 or 15x56 if they ever make them but would not give up my 10x42's for them.

luke moffat

Super Moderator
Feb 24, 2012
Studies have shown that the human eye, when glassing free hand, has the best resolution with 8X binos. We cannot physically hold 10X still enough to get the same resolution. That said, I still run 10X because 90% of the time I am glassing while sitting an can prop on my knees and I have never noticed a problem. I have tried a friends 12X and they were significantly harder to use, I would say if you were moving slow through brush trying to pick out thing in front of you , you would be doomed with 12X.

It seems to me that some people are condoning a 12X bino in places where a decent spotter would be the proper piece of equipment. Yes, you my be able to count tines slightly better with 12X than 10, but you are going to be much better at 15-40 power.

I would say that for what you are looking to do, a 10X42 and a good spotting scope would be your best bet.

PS try the Zeiss Victory HT before you buy anything... if price is not an issue, I have never looked through glass I like as much as the HT's



I firmly believe that the 12X is no replacement for a spotter at all, heck I pack nearly 7 pounds of spotter/tripod along nearly on every hunt in addition to my binos. That said I have compared my 10X binos to my 12X and FOR ME there was an improvement and I have no problem holding them steady enough to use. I also don't feel doomed in the brush either. Just different experiences for different people. But I don't think I'll be going back to 10X42s anytime soon. If you don't like or can't hold 12X as steady as 10X binos or it doesn't seems as clear due to jitters than by all means stick with that.