Comin out swingin I guess is what we do when somethings not our cup of tea? Makes sense. Everyone’s internet tough though these days so probably should have seen this coming from someone who probably struggles spending that much on a recreational vehicle. I get it, it’s a lot of money but I’m fortunate enough to be comfortable in my lifestyle so the decision was a fairly easy one to make and I haven’t really thought about it since. Sorry you don’t like the machine though and think it’s an “abomination”. Everything on there is there for a reason while still keeping the bed free for packs and whatnot.Translation: “for the cost of 2-3 very nice sets of suspension for my main vehicle, I’ll just buy a stupid looking Abomination that happens to transport the worst user group on public lands and then dump money into 2 vehicles, increase the cost of my insurance and have to buy a $2000+ trailer for it.”
Anyhow, I’m glad you got your internet shot in for the day and i really truly do hope you sleep a little more sound tonight because of it, it sounds like you needed the win.