Montana unlimited area


Oct 17, 2016
Hey guys i am in the process of getting sheep ready and sorting everything out for a Montana unlimited sheep tag. The are that appeals to me is 501 it is remote and rugged terrain.

I know these hunts are a lottery as some people walk out empty handed but that is hunting for me. I am just looking to get some insight from people that have done this and have harvested a ram.

Mind you i am coming all the way from Australia for this and it is no problem at all if i could i would be there next year but i need to get in shape and plan out properly.

Would love to have a local accompany me on the hunt but i hardly know anyone in Montana but see how things go.

If people that have done it just share their experiences with me that would be much appreciated.

you can email me on [email protected]


Apr 23, 2014
Fort Peck, MT
I hunt the unlimiteds and will be until I get my ram. Most mentally challenging hunt a guy will go on in my opinion. The best attitude to hunt these units are to think of it as a camping trip with a sheep tag in your pocket. I know several people who have harvested and or guided a legal ram.

I'll send you an email tomorrow with a little more info.


Oct 17, 2016
I hunt the unlimiteds and will be until I get my ram. Most mentally challenging hunt a guy will go on in my opinion. The best attitude to hunt these units are to think of it as a camping trip with a sheep tag in your pocket. I know several people who have harvested and or guided a legal ram.

I'll send you an email tomorrow with a little more info.

Physically and mentally tough is what i like and have no issues coming back each year to hunt. I like a challenge and this will give me a good challenge ahead have started training to get back in to sheep shape and looking forward to it. I dont have money to pay guides but if i had to pay a small fee for someone to accompany me i guess i would have to.

Appreciated sir looking forward to your email.
Oct 9, 2016
How long can one expect to spend in one of these areas before killing..bow season. Are the sheep supposed to be in the trees here and close to some good elk hunting? I be on foot and will probably dedicated about a week to get my sheep early in the archery before they get spooked.


Feb 13, 2014
How long can one expect to spend in one of these areas before killing..bow season. Are the sheep supposed to be in the trees here and close to some good elk hunting? I be on foot and will probably dedicated about a week to get my sheep early in the archery before they get spooked.

A potential lifetime. Don't go into it expecting to kill.

C Bow

Jun 13, 2016
I had the honor of spending 5 days in the unlimited area this year and it was a dream come true. I was very blessed to have a couple young hunters let me tag along a couple days as I was just scouting this year. I am 60 years old and will lose another 15 pounds by next year and redo some of my equipment. Words can not explain the beauty. I walked over 40 miles and will spend the next 5 years in some of those areas for 10 days a year. I hope to get to help someone pack a sheep out. It has been a lifelong dream to walk where the sheep walk and is all I think about other than my wonderful wife and lab. Don't put it off just go you will never regret it. What amazes me about sheep hunters are how helpful they are with advice about equipment and areas.
Nov 7, 2012
Cmon TBM, you will get all the same answers here as you did on Bowsite when you asked there.

Because everyone on Rokslide is on Bowsite? I have asked the same question on 2 forums and gotten 2 completely different responses. As in next to no info from one and people PM'ing me with great info on another.


Feb 24, 2012
I left bowsite years ago, i don't see why you would only ask a question on one forum, this is just silly.

While the success rate is low in the unlimited units, some draw units have lower success rates in other states. The unlimited units are in my future.

If you can find a copy buy Duncan Gilchrists book vol 3 Monana Land of Giant Rams, great chapter on the various units in the unlimited area and he spent a ton of time in them.

As for how many years, some have done it on their first trip others took many years even to find a legal ram let alone get a shot.
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Jan 29, 2014
How long can one expect to spend in one of these areas before killing..bow season. Are the sheep supposed to be in the trees here and close to some good elk hunting? I be on foot and will probably dedicated about a week to get my sheep early in the archery before they get spooked.

This hunt is open to rifle hunting from the get go.

And I would begin with a different approach. Research is absolutely where this hunt should begin. Followed by talking to anyone and everyone that may have any information about the sheep that live there. There are multiple unlimited hunting districts encompassing hundreds of square miles of very difficult terrain. The sheep are few, legal arms in the single digits per unit, and grizzly bear encounters are almost a given. The weather can be brutal in September.

Personally, I have talked to locals in the area, biologists, game wardens, horseback riders, hikers, hunters, fishermen, guides, pilots, ATV riders, Sheep herders and trappers. I have gotten different pieces of the puzzle from each of them but no single source can put you on the sheep. They are in there but they can be two days away by walking over a ridge.

It is a great hunt! And a ram from there is once in a lifetime.


Jun 16, 2013
You would have had to experienced TBM on Bowsite to understand, anyway I dont want to derail the thread, carry on gents.


Feb 24, 2012
You would have had to experienced TBM on Bowsite to understand, anyway I dont want to derail the thread, carry on gents.

And not to derail but how does that have anything to do with rokslide? Keep bowsite drama on bowsite.


Jun 16, 2013
I haven't been on bowsite for quite some time so pump the brakes. It has nothing to do with this site, so once again carry on gents.


Oct 17, 2016
How long can one expect to spend in one of these areas before killing..bow season. Are the sheep supposed to be in the trees here and close to some good elk hunting? I be on foot and will probably dedicated about a week to get my sheep early in the archery before they get spooked.

I have spoken to lot of people have gathered all of the information from locals in the area, biologists, game wardens, hikers, hunters, fishermen and guides. All have told me the same thing do not expect to go in for your first year and harvest a legal ram it can happen but not a high chance. Out of all of these [people i spoke with the guide told me that he only knows of 4 people hat have harvested a legal ram in their first year most people hunt for 3 years or more to get an opportunity.

Time wise i am going in for 2 weeks a week to scout prior to the season and a week to hunt after the season opens. I wish i could take more time of work but two weeks is all i get if i could i would spend close to 4 weeks in there mainly scouting prior to the season and only hunting for a week after it opens. People i have spoken with spend close to a month or more scouting prior to the season.

I am meant to be receiving all of the reports from the biologist regarding area 501 for the last 10 years which will help me in my quest.

As people have told me regarding area 501 and unlimited units think of it as a camping trip and enjoy while you are there.

( For me coming out of australia each year the hunt would cost me around $7k which i am open to paying for as long as i have to to get my own sheep to me it is worth it as i am putting the hard yards and hard work in to get the end goal. Paying a guide is all fun but that trophy is not hard earned as it would be while hunting solo )
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Oct 17, 2016
I had the honor of spending 5 days in the unlimited area this year and it was a dream come true. I was very blessed to have a couple young hunters let me tag along a couple days as I was just scouting this year. I am 60 years old and will lose another 15 pounds by next year and redo some of my equipment. Words can not explain the beauty. I walked over 40 miles and will spend the next 5 years in some of those areas for 10 days a year. I hope to get to help someone pack a sheep out. It has been a lifelong dream to walk where the sheep walk and is all I think about other than my wonderful wife and lab. Don't put it off just go you will never regret it. What amazes me about sheep hunters are how helpful they are with advice about equipment and areas.

More than welcome to come help me hopefully pack a sheep out and hopefully we can pack two sheep and one of them can be yours. I have heard from lot of hunters that the nature is unforgiving and the beauty of it is just breathtaking. I have seen some youtube videos of flyfisherman up there and man did i want to be right there at that moment