Montana unlimited area

The final tip that I think is very important is to know how to judge a legal ram. When we get a ram inspected, it goes on a "jig". Seeing this gives a guy a better understanding of what a legal ram looks like. Many guys that have never killed a legal ram pass on rams that would go legal by as much as an inch, simply because they are not sure and do not want to risk killing a ram that doesn't meet the requirement.

That is very important and something that "freaks" me out about the UL sheep. My buddy sent me a pick of a ram yesterday in a UL unit and I neither one of us knew if he was legal to shoot, he was close but I dont think I would pull the trigger.
That is very important and something that "freaks" me out about the UL sheep. My buddy sent me a pick of a ram yesterday in a UL unit and I neither one of us knew if he was legal to shoot, he was close but I dont think I would pull the trigger.

I know guys that have made the jig by a credit card, but I also know a guy that was short by a credit card. Judging rams is an art. Some guys are Picasso's. They can make that call. I think anything under half an inch is sketchy. I spent over an hour looking at a ram at 120 yds with my big swaro scope, several good angles. Figured he was legal, but just too close to risk it. It's a game that will mess with you mind.
Montana Land of Giant Rams, Volume III has some pretty good info on the unlimited units.

Good read overall.
Is that a challenge? :p I am currently planning this hunt with a bow. lol

I believe if you are successful, you will be the first to legally take a ram with a bow out of the Unlimiteds. That is a tall task even with a 100 yard capable compound.
I know a guy that hunted a UL unit. Spent 2 weeks. Did't see ANY sheep till the 2nd to last day there. Saw one Ram the last day. Not a hunt for the faint of heart. This guy is as good of a hunter as there is. He's a natural born killer, with crazy predator instincts, and it was still that tough for him. Lots and lots of miles on foot and horseback
thanks for all the input guys. Currently i have yet to be in that area yet but plan on scouting all summer and plan on hunting it end of sept. Im not worry about the physical part of this hunt because ill be coming back from my guide season in Alaska. and as bears .338 bear spray should help.

I've spent about three weeks of time in units 501 and 502 over three years. I've never actually laid eyes on a sheep in the area, but I did find a horn sheath in a very remote canyon head. Most of my time there was spent above treeline and offtrail, but the sheep are few and far between. I hope to hunt it for a ram someday, but still have a lot of research left to do.

One thing I would suggest based on my limited research, is that you should hunt as early as you possibly can, otherwise, the limit is likely to be reached. Also, you need to be camped relatively close to an area where you can get cell/radio service to hear the announcements on whether or not any rams have been killed or if they've closed the season in your unit due to the quota. Otherwise, you could end up illegally hunting/killing a ram; and it's not easy to get cell service in any of those areas.
I thought I read somewhere that some of the Unlimited Units were open for General Mule Deer at the same time.

Anybody know off hand about that?