Montana Shiras

wa hunter

Jun 12, 2015
way to go dandy bull and great story!!! love the ending phone call from the land owner!!! to funny


Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Great moose, congrats! Great character on that bull.

The landowner scenario!? Pure stupidity on your part. Shameful really, and so are the comments here condoning it.

Leave sleeping dogs lie, ie, tuck your pride aside and enjoy your good fortune.
All you did with that stupid stunt is light a fire under this lady, her friends, her family.

These might not have been the type to buy up moose tags and have a nice bonfire when they happen to draw; but they likely are now.
Less opportunity for any seeking that tag.
You catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Some things are worth fighting over, other things are better left unsaid.
You could have told her you've "seen several moose around, dunno much more than that." She wouldn't have been the wiser.

Hate reading crap like this when hunter relations are the way that they are already.


Jun 15, 2016
Great moose, congrats! Great character on that bull.

The landowner scenario!? Pure stupidity on your part. Shameful really, and so are the comments here condoning it.

Leave sleeping dogs lie, ie, tuck your pride aside and enjoy your good fortune.
All you did with that stupid stunt is light a fire under this lady, her friends, her family.

These might not have been the type to buy up moose tags and have a nice bonfire when they happen to draw; but they likely are now.
Less opportunity for any seeking that tag.
You catch more bees with honey than vinegar. Some things are worth fighting over, other things are better left unsaid.
You could have told her you've "seen several moose around, dunno much more than that." She wouldn't have been the wiser.

Hate reading crap like this when hunter relations are the way that they are already.

Let me start by saying thank you for the kind words and the congrats...

Hahaha grow up and take a note out of your own book bud, normally I wouldn't even take the time to reply to someone's ignorance but this is the internet and America and people are entitled to say what they want (I'm sure I'll regret writing this later but here goes). The lady that called is the wife of the cousin that lives on the property. The old man that owns the property would always let anybody hunt and was a good ol boy but is sick and living off the property. The lady I talked to and cousin having been keeping up the place as best they can but always turn away hunters (at least this is what I've been told). I was nothing but polite to them but I didn't break any rules. What was I going to say to her when she called? "Oh thanks but I'm already tagged out" then she notices the bull isn't around anymore and she might assume I trespassed or poached it off their place? And had to of gone down that road? Or maybe I knew other tag holders and was questioning her if there was a bigger moose hanging out in the area so I could relay that information to the other hunters? And yes for the record I was in contact with 2 of the other 3 tag holders trying to help them in any way I could fill their tag. I'm an honest, upfront and blunt individual take it or leave it. At the end of the day I am in no way arrogant or cocky and was raised to be a polite human and had she of not hung up on me I would have explained the situation to her.

When it comes to hunting and often times put others hunts and tags in front of my own. I feel very blessed, humble and grateful to have harvested this moose and to have even drawn the tag in the first place. I even told my hunting partner I was a little disappointed in the location where I shot this moose and was hoping for more of a remote hunt than it was but at the end of the day this was a trophy hunt and I was going to hunt where the trophy was. I hunt 99.9% public land and am aware of private land/hunter issues due to those hunters making mistakes and ruining it for everyone else. If you want I'd be happy to give you their number and you can come on over and fix her fence, Hell I might even cook you up a moose burger and bring you a cold beer at the end of the day. Hope your season is full of memorable moments and success amigo.
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Sep 29, 2014
North Idaho
Well, I would have been shocked...*shocked* to read anything but a retort that started with "grow up"...But I digress.
Besides, I am grown up at this point. At 52, it's not my first rodeo.

I've known guys that would call and flaunt to a non-hunter like you did.
F&G talks about this stuff in the regs occasionally, trying to put forth a 'beyond reproach' attitude as hunters to non-hunters, even though sometimes those people can be jerks, plain and simple. It's not easy to get past pride and arrogance. The best of us do though.

You can make all the excuses in the world about the contact you had with the woman on the phone, the "cousin" now apparently, but sometimes one only has one chance to make the right call.
Nothing you would have said or done would have likely changed her mind about hunting, but what you did only hurt the cause.

Thanks for the well-wishes, our family's season kicks off soon for mule deer, and then I'll be trying to fill a cow elk tag. Last year we filled that tag right on our acreage.