Montana rifle company question


Oct 13, 2013
Breckenridge, CO
I am left handed and I'm interested in a Model 70 action, and with the prices of used Winchester 70's in left hand, I'm considering buying a new Montana rifle company gun.
For anyone who has one of their rifles, what do you think? Good product? Would you buy another? Should I just buy a Tikka T3?

AZ Vince

Jul 10, 2012
I don't have a Montana, yet, as I'm blessed with a left hand Ruger and a Winchester but my next one will be a Montana.
Patrick Holehan of PL Holehan Custom Rifles uses their actions in his builds and to me that says all I need to know.
I hope that helps.


Apr 9, 2014
Im not trying to make anyone mad who is a fan of the Montana rifle, but I don't care for them. I think their action could use some more polishing before leaving the factory, and their safeties are terribly hard to move in the beginning. I think there are a lot smoother actions out there for the money. I don't know how much its frowned upon to bring up another forum on here, but there is one that does group buys on the Montana, and many of those people are not very happy with their Montana rifle purchase. I just took a trip to Idaho and went trough Montana along the way. I stopped at every gun store I could find that carried Kimbers and Montana Rifle company rifles. I probably handled six or seven Montanas and ten or twelve Kimbers. I can honestly say that the worst Kimber action was way smoother than the best Montana action that I handled. Also check and make sure you like the grip area of the Montana, it is very thin. I will say that the Montana points really well.


Jul 26, 2012
Lander, WY
I had a MRC 1999 barreled action in .300WSM that I absolutely loved. It was about 8-9 years old though so I'm not sure about their current quality. I also had it in a McMillan stock so I can't comment on their stocks. That rifle was a tack driver though and I put a lot of game down with it. Really wish I still had it. I hope the SOB that stole it gets what he deserves.


Oct 18, 2012
Wasilla, AK
I have a new version X2 in 30-06. I like the old Winchester-style trigger and it was easy to get it to 1 lb. 2 oz. for target practice with no safety concerns with only a little stone work. I prefer the slimmer stock design over the EW stock. My rifle's fit and finish was good and the bedding was well done. It feeds great! Going from the fire position to the middle position on the safety was stiff at first. I shot a few factory loads and got from 1.5" to 1.0" five shot groups. My girlfriend is going to take it hunting next year and she's been getting most shots touching with reduced recoil loads.

I've played the hit or miss game with Kimber and after three tries I never got one that shot as well as I wanted, although the factory said they were all fine. I like the EW, but hate the complexity of the trigger. I will say the trigger on the EW was nice after replacing the spring with one of Ernie's. For my money the MRC was the one to go with...then it got confiscated by my girlfriend. I'm just shooting my Blaser R8 for now.


Aug 28, 2014
I have a Montana extreme weather that I purchased a few years ago. It is a tack driver and I absolutely love it! That said the action is not as smooth as I want and will be spending some time to smooth things up. Also, I am currently trying to decide on a better stock since the Bell and Carlson stock is a brick.