I used one a bit last year, on BLM grounds that had some cattle grazing allotments around. It worked pretty well especially early in the season before they felt the pressure (where I was hunting anyway). Closest I was able to approach was about 85 yards. I tried to not approach directly at them when I had closed the distance down within 150-200yds. They definitely help when there is absolutely no other cover, but I couldn't pull off a successful archery stalk with it.
You can get two people behind one. Its actually kind of fun.
I haven't yet but I plan to use one this weekend on my NM hunt. I have am thinking that it would be best to "cut the wedge" slowly towards them to get close. My buddy who I am borrowing it from said you can fit two people behind it. He was saying you almost need one guy to hold bessy while you draw and shoot.
Seems like it should work fairly well in areas where there are cows grazing.
When moving in on the goat, you do really need two people - one to hold the decoy while you draw and shoot. It does come with stakes, but its tough to move through the sage with them attached. If its windy, its SUPER hard to carry that thing out solo... keep that in mind.
Hey, I don't want to hijack your thread, but , I can print you a cow decoy that one guy can handle. Go to my website and look at my decoys. There are no cows on there but I am planning to make a angus cow for a cow elk tag I have. My website is on this post.
Another thing to be aware of, if you are using this in close proximity to cattle, is that it may attract the cows to you out of curiosity. This is rarely helpful in my experience, and can turn dangerous with the wrong cows. I've had cows ruin a stalk more than once.