WTS Mojo's Moving Sale - Kifaru and King of the Mountain


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Apr 22, 2013
Hi All,

I’m moving and need to lighten the load. I’d prefer not to have to pack and move these items and have priced with the intention of a quick sale.

These are cross-posted on other forums, so PM or post an “I’ll Take It” with earliest timestamp getting it.

Let me know if you need any more info.

Prices include shipping to the lower 48, but let me know about Hawaii and Alaska and we can work something out.

Paypal preferred due to quicker turnaround time. Goods and Services, I’ll cover the fees.

No trades, thanks.

Disclaimer: 18 and over, make sure the item is legal to own in your state, etc. etc.

SOLD/SHIPPED 1) Kifaru Spike Camp – Coyote Brown – Medium Belt – Composite Curved Stays: $180
In great shape. Bought used, but couldn't see any signs of real use. I never fielded it. No blood, stains, tears, etc.



SOLD/SHIPPED 2) Kifaru Stash-It – Kryptek Highlander – Missing 1 malice clip: $40
Slightly Used, not abused.




SOLD 3) King of the Mountain Wool Standmaster Bibs – Size Small:
Button missing on right leg pocket, but it also has a zipper, so can still be secured. See pictures
Very Warm, just way to warm for where I'm moving - I'll never use them.





4) Kifaru Bikini Duplex Belt - Size Small - Kryptek Highlander - $20 Shipped
Belt for the short-lived skeletonized Kifaru "Bikini" Duplex Frame. I believe the difference between the Standard Duplex and the Bikini Duplex belt is that the Bikini has 3/4" webbing for the shoulder straps where the Duplex had 1". If anyone has better info, please post.

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PM responded to.

The Bikini Duplex is still available. I've updated my posting with more details about the webbing sizes.

Some of these belts were made so you could also slip a regular frame into them. Do you know if you can do that with this one? If so, i would like to buy.

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Some of these belts were made so you could also slip a regular frame into them. Do you know if you can do that with this one? If so, i would like to buy.

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If by regular frame, you mean the older Kifaru G1 or G2 Duplex Frames, then I don't think this would fit (please see the original posting for details about the webbing sizes). I never owned any of the other frames, so I'm not sure about cross-over fit (this includes the new "hunting" frames. This could be rigged to fit the older Kifaru "Omni" suspension packs, as the belts don't need the shoulder strap webbing (just roll up the shoulder strap webbing), but there is no velcro, so I'm not sure how well it would stay put.

Hope that helps.

If by regular frame, you mean the older Kifaru G1 or G2 Duplex Frames, then I don't think this would fit (please see the original posting for details about the webbing sizes). I never owned any of the other frames, so I'm not sure about cross-over fit (this includes the new "hunting" frames. This could be rigged to fit the older Kifaru "Omni" suspension packs, as the belts don't need the shoulder strap webbing (just roll up the shoulder strap webbing), but there is no velcro, so I'm not sure how well it would stay put.

Hope that helps.

Ok, i’ve got buckles i could switch out to fix the webbing issue, but if it does not have a pocket for the frame to slide into it will not work.

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Ok, i’ve got buckles i could switch out to fix the webbing issue, but if it does not have a pocket for the frame to slide into it will not work.

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Are you referring to the pockets for the Aluminum or composite frame stays? it does have the 2 pockets that hold those. It’s the black squares in the picture in the original post. Let me know if that’s what you’re talking about.