MKC Jackstone

Thanks, this thread talked me into it. Ha ha. Last year I bought a BM altitude but I’ve been reading so much bad about them I might put it up for sale. I think this will be a much better knife for all around hunting. Now I just need to kill something so I can use it.
I love the design of the Altitude, if BM would make it in Magnacut I would probably buy another because I'm a sucker for knives. Well, perhaps not now as the Jackstone is really growing on me.

If you are careful not to cut through muddy hide and not to be rough with the edge on bone the Altitude is great. I'm not careful and always came away with at least one big chip in the edge. Paring the Altitude with a Jackstone could be a winning combination, do skin and bone work with the Jackstone and use the Altitude for caping out.
I love the design of the Altitude, if BM would make it in Magnacut I would probably buy another because I'm a sucker for knives. Well, perhaps not now as the Jackstone is really growing on me.

If you are careful not to cut through muddy hide and not to be rough with the edge on bone the Altitude is great. I'm not careful and always came away with at least one big chip in the edge. Paring the Altitude with a Jackstone could be a winning combination, do skin and bone work with the Jackstone and use the Altitude for caping out.
I will prob keep it in my kill kit with a tyto handle, I also carry a BM Bugout S30V in my pocket so I have two blades and the replaceable blade knife for not much weight.
Bumping. Is everyone still happy with their Jackstone? Thinking of trying to jump on the next drop. Still worth the $300?
I'm happy with mine. I did grind off the finger guard, but that was an easy fix.
I am extremely happy with mine. I have XL hands and the handle works well for both big and fine work.
@Marbles thanks for the first hand review. I scored one this afternoon. I missed a bark river canadian release some years ago and I’m hoping this thing will live up to my expectations.
I don’t know about hype, but so far with a few animals it’s good.

I actually prefer the handle and the blade shape of the original Grohman, and the Cold Steel as well.

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My only reason for picking one up is to see if I actually like magnacut. It very might be a knife I gift someone because I don't like the way it sharpens and the giftee will only have to send it in to MKC for sharpening. It seems like "everyone" is loving it but Its been 15 years since i've bought a stainless knife because of my disdain for its edge retention and sharpness.

Are both those other knives Grohmans? Is the Grohmans standard grind like a scandi grind or a sabre grind?
My only reason for picking one up is to see if I actually like magnacut. It very might be a knife I gift someone because I don't like the way it sharpens and the giftee will only have to send it in to MKC for sharpening. It seems like "everyone" is loving it but Its been 15 years since i've bought a stainless knife because of my disdain for its edge retention and sharpness.

So far magnacut seems to be about like D2 to me. I haven’t dulled this one fully and then brought the edge back, just touch up, but it seems ok. All things being equal I prefer a good simple carbon steel.

Are both those other knives Grohmans? Is the Grohmans standard grind like a scandi grind or a sabre grind?

Yes. They offer a flat grind as well.
Does the mkc offer any real advantage over the other two?

To me- no. The blade shape and handles on the Cold Steel and the Grohmann are better.

And is the cold steel any good?

Actually yes. The steel isn’t some wonder elf magic, just a decent plain stainless. It holds an edge well enough and is easy to sharpen. Got through skinning and quartering an entire elk without touching it last season. Sharpened back up in 2-3 minutes.
Got my Jackstone on Saturday.. Initial thoughts

Its heavy for size, more weight in the handle than blade.I'd rather have the weight in the handle though, so its not a negative. Just an observation. It fits the hand well and the finger guard is nice so you won't accidentally slide your fingers down on the blade.
The sheath is nice and easy to adjust for different carrying.
Blade seems to have a 800-1K grit final grind so it wouldn't take much effort to get it to a finer grit finish. Last knife I bought came with about a 500 grit finish so this was a pleasant surprise. However I think I'll just use the knife as is for the summer and sharpen for the hunting season. I'd rather see how hard it is to sharpen from near dull
For something similar and more affordable you might check out the Bear Forest Pickens Game Knife.

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So I sharpened this knife for the first time last night. MKC seems to sharpen at ~800 or possible as course as a 600 grit. My stone is a 1k. I bring this up because I see how it influences how the blade cuts I'm guessing the more course grind gives the blade a bit more "grabbiness" or "felt sharpness" . With the freshened up edge on my blade it doesn't have the hair popping effect despite being able to slice paper very cleanly and remove hair from my hand/arm

If I keep this knife I may need to buy a more course stone
There are so many other custom knife makers making quality knives out of magma-cut right now. I have no doubt MKC makes great knives; I just don’t understand the whole wait for the limited drop thing like it’s a race for the golden egg deal. Why wait and then rush for a purchase when you can just order exactly what you want in the exact same steel with out the huge wait and then rush to purchase
..........; I just don’t understand the whole wait for the limited drop thing like it’s a race for the golden egg deal.

Its a FanBoi thing. Knife guys are very much like that. They have like 1k knives and maybe use like 2 of them or not at all. There are a number of guys who buy like 10 knives per drop and resell them. Make maybe $10-15/knife. MKC has frequent buyers programs but you gotta drop like $5k+

I bought it because I was hoping magnacut would change my mind on stainless knives. I have one more magnacut coming from another maker here soon..
I went with the MKC Whitetail. The ergos work a little better for me. I didn't have the opportunity to use it on any deer this past winter......I wasn't that lucky. I did skin out and butcher 4 rabbits, but I don't really think that was a true test of trying to put the knife through its paces. Looking forward to continue testing the magnacut steel.
I also touched up the edge before using it. I'm a little ocd when it comes to having a hair popping edge on my knife.
I agree they can be a little fanboyish, but they do make a really solid product.