Mink Oil on Kenetrek Boots…

May 29, 2024
I have a brand new pair of Kenetrek Grizzly’s that I’ve oiled with mink oil twice now, before realizing that Kenetrek doesn’t recommend this.

I had no clue about this and didn’t even think twice about it, especially being I’ve always treated new boots with mink oil. These are also my first pair of Kenetreks, and honestly my first pair of mountain boots. (Also my first western hunt.)

How screwed are these boots?
I’m thinking as long as I don’t use anymore mink oil and switch over to Kenetrek boot wax, I shouldn’t have a problem. With how tight the economy is now days, I want these boots to last as long as possible as they were $300. I just hope I didn’t prematurely ruin them.

Thanks guys!
I switched from mink oil to Montana Pitch blend many years ago, it has been great on my Schnee’s pack boots and all my other leather boots.
You’ll be fine. I’ve used Nicks boot grease on mine more times than I’ve used the kennetrek stuff

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I think some of the glues they use on soles don’t like some oils.

FWIW - I have used the kenetrek past and Obenaufs on my kennys and they are in great shape with a few years of sadly infrequent use.