Mid-day hunting strategies

Welp, so much for naps midday for me on my first trip out west...

Go check out the thread titled "Bowhunting and Sidearms" They are curious little buggers. I personally was in such awe at the rarity of seeing one that I didn't come away from it too shaken but also now carry a pistol archery hunting/mid day napping :)
My buddy killed one last year by walking a ridge above a north facing slope and cow calling. Bull answered from his bed and we dropped in close to him, set up, started calling, and he came right in. It happened about 2 PM.
I hunt 2nd rifle CO, my mid day strategy is to nap and glass, and hike over some new country, with emphasis on napping. I rarely see anything in the middle of the day, so it’s hard to put forth much effort anymore. My main strategy is glass and stalk, and for whatever reason, evening is when I see 90% of animals, I could just hunt the last two hours of light and do well, and on my easy days I do just that.
I’ve got to figure out how others are so successful in miday, would help me certainly.

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I love mid day. Bulls will put their cows to bed and go out looking to get some strange or hit a wallow. We have had some really cool encounters just laying up in some dark shady timber, cow calling and maybe some lazy bull sounds in the mix. Watch your down wind, bulls will sneak in to get a whiff.
See more bulls on their mid-day stroll (10-2PM) in the thick stuff, than any other time. For some reason they seem less alert then too. AM/PM action is not far behind...means I'm always hunting from the time I leave the tent to return.
I always eat something around mid day and lay low relax and hang out for a while and then start hunting down.