MHG, I need you now!

If we are in his pickup he drives when in mine I drive. You don't want to ride with him in a big town!
Grow up guys!
I'm trying real hard to grow up, but it's a slow process.
Men who drive = may be putting ego before protecting family.
Men who let there wife drive = can shoot/fight and have the vehicle ready to go.
Also, men have more crashes of all severity levels per mile driven then women, so the rarity of needing to fight aside, your family is likely safer if your wife drives.

You pick up a hitch hiker, what seating arrangement do you want if he pulls a weapon?
A. You drive and your wife stays in the passenger seat.
B. You are a scaredy cat and you would not have picked him up.
C. You drive, your wife moves to the back seat.
D. Your wife drives, hitch hiker sits in the front passenger seat, and you sit behind him.

My wife does not like driving, and I do, so I do most of the driving. Of course, perhaps I just tell myself that to sooth my ego.

This is the ultimate "troll job" post......... I think.......
Drives me nuts to have to be a passenger in a car driven by anyone that drives as inconsiderately as my wife.
Hadn't thought about carrying around an open container as an excuse.
And this one that I poached...
My wife's driving philosophy: the best defense is a good offense...near the centerline. And never just drive--gotta fiddle with stuff non stop, talk on the phone, eat, drink, etc. She has mellowed over time, but she still scares the kids and me, and i almost always drive, especially on long trips.

To her credit, though, she is much better than me at big city driving. Super aggressive, and she just processes stuff differently while I over think it.
Studies have also shown that men who let their wives drive are more likely than not on their way for their 6th booster shot.
No shame in my game. I figure there's always a pilot and a gunner. My wife is an ok driver, but she can't shoot worth a damn. Figure it's safer this way.