Mexico Whitetails

Feb 25, 2012
Going in a month for the 1st time.... give me some advice :)

What do I need to know to get across the border and come BACK :)
Dec 1, 2020
I was just talking to one of my crews about this today. They are going to visit family in Mexico during Christmas, he will not cross at Laredo because its too dangerous. He drives a beater truck because the cartel will take newer trucks, they have to pay the cartel about $1,500.00 to cross.
I worked just outside Laredo for a couple years (during obamas occupation) we watched a Mexican news channel every morning and it is waaaay worse there than our media talks about.
I could go on and on. Hopefully you are meeting an outfitter or at least someone that crosses regularly to help with everything. You can go to prison for having a shell/bullet in your car, the federales are as crooked as the cartel, just not as bloody.


Sep 11, 2018
Res WA ST, winter>Gilbert AZ , NR>AZ, UT, NM, CO.
going into Mexico is EASY....

...coming back into USA can be DIFFICULT, roll the dice.
If you are driving your vehicle, good luck especially if in a late model 4wd truck. Forget pesos, better have 10-20 Benjamins in your wallet.
Just getting back to the border safely will be a triumph & relief...and sometimes expensive.
Oct 8, 2019
Rifle? Borrowing one or or bringing your own? Archery?

Have a valid passport. If driving, Mexican insurance, potentially a vehicle permit (must surrender to get deposit back), and proof of ownership.

Don’t stop in the middle of nowhere even to piss. Don’t drive at night. Drive defensively; road safety designs do not exist.

Ensure you have no ammo nor spent brass (on your body, in your pack, in your weapons case, etc.) that is not on your firearm permit. This includes quantity; if your permit says 50 then you better not have more than that. Do not bring a handgun nor handgun ammo unless you want to spend some quality time in a Mexican jail or prison. Tons of stupid Americans do this every year.

Hunt in Mexico every year. Entire process has been boring and uneventful. Biggest stress is clearing US Customs and the FDA inspection of the capes and racks.

Do not bring any fruits or vegetables back from Mexico. Don’t bring back more alcohol than legally allowed. Don’t bring back drugs, legal or not, without a prescription.

Pay for international coverage on your cell phone. Don’t rely on credit cards. Bring cash; keep some in dollars and convert some to pesos.

Don’t be the stereotypical gringo.
Feb 25, 2012
Rifle? Borrowing one or or bringing your own? Archery?

Have a valid passport. If driving, Mexican insurance, potentially a vehicle permit (must surrender to get deposit back), and proof of ownership.

Don’t stop in the middle of nowhere even to piss. Don’t drive at night. Drive defensively; road safety designs do not exist.

Ensure you have no ammo nor spent brass (on your body, in your pack, in your weapons case, etc.) that is not on your firearm permit. This includes quantity; if your permit says 50 then you better not have more than that. Do not bring a handgun nor handgun ammo unless you want to spend some quality time in a Mexican jail or prison. Tons of stupid Americans do this every year.

Hunt in Mexico every year. Entire process has been boring and uneventful. Biggest stress is clearing US Customs and the FDA inspection of the capes and racks.

Do not bring any fruits or vegetables back from Mexico. Don’t bring back more alcohol than legally allowed. Don’t bring back drugs, legal or not, without a prescription.

Pay for international coverage on your cell phone. Don’t rely on credit cards. Bring cash; keep some in dollars and convert some to pesos.

Don’t be the stereotypical gringo.

I have my rifle permit,

didn't hink about international cell phone coverage...

Have you had to fill out the US customs form for returning with the items you have brought in? Optics, electronics ect. I have been told if it's not properly filled out and signed off, you might not bring your stuff back into the US.
Oct 8, 2019

I have my rifle permit,

didn't hink about international cell phone coverage...

Have you had to fill out the US customs form for returning with the items you have brought in? Optics, electronics ect. I have been told if it's not properly filled out and signed off, you might not bring your stuff back into the US.
Need to do it for your rifle. Doesn’t hurt to do your optics.