Merry Christmas 2024, what are you thinking about?


Rokslide Sponsor
Dec 21, 2016
Merry Christmas!

I think about a baby boy, born to become the Man. I think about the past Christmases and blessings.

But, my brain switches to hunting after the presents and big family breakfast…

I can’t stop thinking about my archery javelina tag in January and dreaming about the possibilities of what I might draw for 2025. I have two friends who say they want to get into hunting, so I am thinking about their possibilities for tags and how much fun it will be with them in their first hunts.

Business wise, I am excited to take LS Wild to SHOT show in Vegas for the first time.
I am thankful for the conservation organizations that continue the fight against the State of Utah, American Lands Council and others who wish to steal Americans public lands. And I am thankful for our state and federal land and wildlife managers who sacrifice so much to preserve these opportunities for present and future generations.
I am thankful for the conservation organizations that continue the fight against the State of Utah, American Lands Council and others who wish to steal Americans public lands. And I am thankful for our state and federal land and wildlife managers who sacrifice so much to preserve these opportunities for present and future generations.
It’s amazing it has come to this, isn’t it? Republicans fighting conservationists trying to privatize our natural inheritance. Outrageous this is the fight the far right is waging.
1) Christmas, I'm thinking about the birth of my savior, his life, his pain, his death, and how blessed I am to know him.
2) I'm thinking about family, here and gone.
3) I'm thinking of a granddaughter that I absolutely love and cherish so much time with her.
4) I'm thinking about a wife that is so much more than I could have ever prayed for, yes fellows, I prayed for my wife, I asked the Lord for what I wanted in one and he answered me. Wow, I still thank You everyday for her.
5) I'm thinking about a buck that the curve is way outside the ears with thick g2's ---- he's calling me telling me he is at one of my stands waiting for me asking me where I am. (At one time he wouldn't have been doing that, I would already be there, unless he was at another stand)

Fellows, can I tell you something, in a not so distant past, these numbers would be totally reversed. I am not the man I once was, only by His grace and willingness to chase me down and change my heart and mind. Everyday be the Lord of my life, I owe You everything, forgive me of my sins I've already committed today, those from yesterday, and all the days before.

That's what I'm thinking about.
Well it’s the 26th, so a day late. Despite all of the family and friends events/dinners, etc. I always seem to give thought to those who have nothing. Kids mostly. Kids getting nothing for Christmas while we more fortunate celebrate. And I know it should about Christ, not gifts, etc. even when I was a kid it bugged me. Not sure why. I’m thinking my thoughts are bringing a change for me. Definitely doing something different for my inner peace.