Meopta Meostar S2 Deal


Aug 9, 2016
Spokane, WA
Is $1,800 a good deal for a Meopta Meostar S2 spotting scope with the 30-60 WA lens? From what I've seen, it seems pretty good. Or should I hold out and keep saving for a kowa or swaro? A family friend bought it brand new and took out on one 3 day hunt. I've seen it and it's in perfect condition. Just looking for other opinions.

No, give us his name/number just in case .

I thinks it's reasonable for that condition. If you are military or LEO I hear Meopta has a great discount (I'm not) that may be close to that.

Every now and the the Cabelas version goes on sale for that range, but it has a fixed eye piece.
No, give us his name/number just in case .

I thinks it's reasonable for that condition. If you are military or LEO I hear Meopta has a great discount (I'm not) that may be close to that.

Every now and the the Cabelas version goes on sale for that range, but it has a fixed eye piece.

It's not that great.
I know a guy on this forum that received 40%+ off because he was military, I would say that's pretty good discount.

I read that somewhere on here where somebody mentioned 40% off for military. I had a friend inquire by emailing Meopta and they told him 25-30%. Perhaps it has changed? Whatever the percent discount is, it's likely off of their MSRP, which would make 40% around $1725, and 25% $2157 (body and eyepiece). I'm interested in buying an S2 also, so I've been shopping and looking at prices. Best price I've found recently for new (either straight/angled, with either eypiece) is $1889 shipped.
Military discount is off MSRP. Was able to beat that price on my S2 by buying on sale through sport optics. 1800 is about what I paid and a good deal.

Sport Optics did have a good deal on the S2, but they've since raised the price and it comes to $2124 now after applying the promotion discount.
I guess I was quick enough back in the winter and caught the deal. The military discounts are great, but often can be beat with sales. Very happy with the S2 as it is first rate glass.
I guess I was quick enough back in the winter and caught the deal. The military discounts are great, but often can be beat with sales. Very happy with the S2 as it is first rate glass.

Glad to hear you got in on that good deal when it was available, and that you're happy with your S2. I had a feeling I'd regret not buying it then, and I do! I've used one in the field and also side by side against some other spotters, including Swaro, Vortex, and Leupold, and the Meopta was the one I liked the best. Just curious, did you get the angled or straight, and what eyepiece?
I set up an account with meopta today. I think the military discount differs on some items. I was quoted great prices. I would be able to use the discount and get the S2 spotter with eyepiece, as well as a set of 10x42's and a set of 15x56's both the meostar HD, for less money than the swarovski ats 65mm spotter and a pair of slc 10x42's.
So basically I would be getting the 15x56 HD meostars for free
And from everything Ive read, the meostar binocs hold their own against the slc's pretty well. Not quite sure about the spotter though.....
Glad to hear you got in on that good deal when it was available, and that you're happy with your S2. I had a feeling I'd regret not buying it then, and I do! I've used one in the field and also side by side against some other spotters, including Swaro, Vortex, and Leupold, and the Meopta was the one I liked the best. Just curious, did you get the angled or straight, and what eyepiece?

I went with the straight wide angle as I find it easier to line up on what I am looking at. Just a personal preference.
I set up an account with meopta today. I think the military discount differs on some items. I was quoted great prices. I would be able to use the discount and get the S2 spotter with eyepiece, as well as a set of 10x42's and a set of 15x56's both the meostar HD, for less money than the swarovski ats 65mm spotter and a pair of slc 10x42's.
So basically I would be getting the 15x56 HD meostars for free
And from everything Ive read, the meostar binocs hold their own against the slc's pretty well. Not quite sure about the spotter though.....

I'd say that's a good deal. Seems people find S2s to perform on par or slightly better than the ats 80 swaro so you'd be sitting pretty if you are ok with the weight.
I got my s2 a while ago on the military discount. Guys are right it used to be better than it is now. I won't even post what I got it for. They pick and choose which items have what discount as apposed to the same across the board. Now their best selling items have a far less discount than in the past. The s2 to me is just as good, if not better than the ats swaro. As stated above, a bit heavier though and with a more delicate twist up eye cup. The new discount is about on par maybe a little better than what you can find them on sale for.
I'm debating selling my S2 angled. Anybody looking for one? It's in excellent shape and would come with a snug fit slip on cover. Has a 30-60 WA lense and no scratches whatsoever. $1600 tyd shipped and insured...