I picked these up off this site last fall. My slc 15x56's had a problem and needed to be sent back for repair. I used these 12x50's to get me through the month of November with plans to resale them once the Swaro's got fixed. Swaro did and awesome job getting the 15's fixed and back to me so these have been sitting in the house not being used. I'm finally getting around to posting them up.
Awesome binoculars! Excellent condition, flawless glass. I strongly considered keeping these and selling the Swaro's. I've used a pile of different bino's and these are just ridiculous for the price.
I paid $850 shipped from a forum member at the end of October and I am asking $800 Paypal shipped obo.
Awesome binoculars! Excellent condition, flawless glass. I strongly considered keeping these and selling the Swaro's. I've used a pile of different bino's and these are just ridiculous for the price.
I paid $850 shipped from a forum member at the end of October and I am asking $800 Paypal shipped obo.