Memorial Day Photos 2023

Apr 5, 2015

Memorial Day Photos: Let me tell you what you don’t see in that picture…for some reason the sun is always brighter and much warmer than you expect for such a somber occasion…the air smells of fresh cut grass and hints of aftershave and perfume…a bugle playing taps is distant and sad…the rifle volleys are startling, loud and they always make the baby scream…the older children cry, but the younger ones mostly just look confused and try to comfort their sobbing, surviving parent…a kneeling military officer murmurs something about a grateful nation as they hand over a tightly folded flag…off camera a father sniffles fighting silent tears that trickle from beneath his sunglasses…worst of all is that terrible shriek a mother makes as she stretches herself across a closed coffin just to be near her son’s or daughter’s body one last time.

Respect - Remember - Honor
Yep, been fighting back tears all morning, starting at 5am on my way to the gym. I cringe every time I hear “Happy Memorial Day!” or that awkward “Thanks for your service” on Memorial Day.
I can’t speak for all, but I imagine most veterans minds are filled by thoughts of brothers they lost too soon and have really heavy hearts today. No need for a thank you today. If anything, and you’re close enough, just give them an extra tight hug.

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Arlington National Cemetery is 639 acres, that's 1 acre short of a Section. It's also just one Cemetery, Riverside in CA is almost double the size.

Humbling to walk through.
There are sights that are so powerful that you stand in awe, unsure even how to feel because the emotions are too many, too fast. Standing in Arlington and at Ground Zero were the 2 that I will never forget.
As the wind ripples the flag and the hollow sound sound of the trumpet fills my ears, I always wonder why some men are left behind while the best of us are called to the gates heaven, before the answer comes the volley of the rifles returns me to the present. Press on, sharing their story, doing so their memories continue to live through us.

I always call my dad on Memorial Day. He was a medic in the Korean war and seen way too much for a 20 year old and lost a lot of buddies.