Member title definitions

We need nuts for the bday party!
It’s always a grand idea right up until it’s time to cut one more piece off the animal I’ve been in a wrestling match with for the last 30-60 minutes. Then my desire to get you your nuts goes right out the window.
As a new member, was happy to stumble across this thread. Saw the levels referenced, but had no idea of the meaning. Thanks!
There are a number facetious definitions of WKR in this thread, mostly supplied by Well Known smaRtasses. I’m hoping for one of those other special titles (Awesomely Knowledgable Bloviator) at some point.

Here is the true history of WKR.

A long time ago in a forum not so very far away there was a guy (heck if I can remember his name) complaining about someone stole his BOAL (buck of a lifetime) right out from under his nose while he was asleep. Seems he shot it, followed it a little ways, then decided it was too dark, went back to camp, returned early the next day to find the carcass boned out and the rack gone. I can’t remember how he knew this carcass was his BOAL, but he was absolutely certain of it. He got some pushback and the thread became a glorious delightful dumpster fire with memes and jeering like I’ve never seen in my life.

Somewhere in there he threw some shade like this “A couple well known roksliders were seen in the area about that time” Shortly after the moderators changed all regular members to WKR ‘s… you know, like Spartacus. So I didn’t even have to do anything to become a WKR. And nobody here actually knows me. It’s great!!

If you haven’t seen it check out the magnificent BOAL thread.

There were stickers for ale for a while that said WKR hide your BOAL. I hVe one on my car though it's peeling. It'd be nice to do a new run of a higher quality sticker.