Trad bows i shoot wouldnt make me comfortable shooting a mechanical. I think it would kill the deer but i would have concerns about reliably getting an exit wound in my case. I have killed a number deer with fixed and mechanical from a compound and they are both fine with the right set up. Youll need to do the math and see if your set up has the energy necessary to feel comfortable with the blades you are talking about.
Personally, i see no benefit to a mechanic from a trad bow. In my compound, some mechanics just shot better than the fixed blades i had at 30-40yards and thats why i chose those mechanicals. I dont shoot that far with trad. All the fix i shoot from my trad shoot fine. I think people overthink the broadhead thing. You either shoot the deer in the lungs/heart or you dont. Any quality fixed blade from a reputable manufacturer is going to kill a lung shot deer quickly.