Measuring Blackhorn 209 by volume vs weight

My recommendation is load a volume measure and pour on a powder scale a few times. Then shoot those same loads at a target. You will load by weight every time after that I promise.
I did the same experiment with my CVA optima and a 420 grain No Excuses bullet. Loading by volume can vary alot by weight from charge to charge. I started loading by weight because I have all my charges ready before I head out anyway. I use 80 grains of Blackhorn by volume which if I remember correctly is 58 grains by weight.
100% use by weight, not volume. I found 70gr by weight of 209 was the most accurate with 300gr SST-ML. This was about 100gr by volume. You can see first hand the variance of by volume if you test pouring into the tube vs. pour then give it a firm shake - this will change the volume noticibly
You can see first hand the variance of by volume if you test pouring into the tube vs. pour then give it a firm shake - this will change the volume noticibly
Which highlights the importance of volume measuring exactly the same way every time.
With Blackhorn 209 120gr by volume is 84gr by weight….that is max, didn’t know shit about a muzzleloader when I started or the process of measuring volume vs weight. It ended badly for the muzzleloader and I got very lucky
With current lots of BH209, ~ 96 grV is max.