MDT 12 Round 223 Polymer AICS Mags for Long COAL


Pain in the butt!
Apr 3, 2021
Has anyone run these yet?

I picked up a couple to test out in my XLR. Their claim of 2.48" measures out, and is just above what I estimated 77 TMK's seated optimally would need. I'll run some testing and report back. Hopefully they feed great...

Here's a shot compared to my Waters Mag, AI Standard mag and the new MDT (those are Black Hills 77 TMK's, loading up some handloads soon in Starline brass).

MDT mags.jpg
Just ran through two of these today. Been doing slow load development and only had 22 rounds left. Couple thoughts:

I could only fit 11 rounds per mag. The way the feed lips are it's a little odd to push the cases down. Probably could have forced another in.

So far, both mags fed flawlessly.

All in these are now my go to for AICS 223. Will update with more use.
Yes, shot maybe a couple hundred rounds through them. They function like the 10 rounders with a bit more capacity. I only load 10 at a time as they get tight and even with 10 loaded the first couple rounds take some force to strip from the mag.

They are still a better solution than the 10 round model if you actually want 10 in the mag imo.
I see on MDT's website that their poly mag has a coal of 2.44, but my neighbor has one of their 223 polymer mags and he loads 75 grain elds @ 2.490 ( I know because I load for him). The max coal on his magazine is 2.550. So did MDT change/shorten the coal recently?
Edited to apologize to OP for piggybacking on his thread.
Yes, mdt recently did a redesign on the poly .223 mag. It now has the shorter OAL limit, and will only fit 9 rounds of 223 AI (10 and version). It is also physically larger.