MD squirrel hunt on Black Friday


Jun 4, 2016
Is anyone interested in hunting Heaters Island for squirrels on Black Friday? I hunt with a dog. We walk the circumference of the island and usually get a limit. You will need a boat but it's an easy paddle. It's a good hunt for kids if they can walk five miles.
I've fished all around the island but never considered hunting it.

To those that go, 'Good Luck!' and I hope your kids have a blast.
Excellent! For now, plan on being at the NPS boat ramp in Point of Rocks around sunrise. If there is strong winds or rain that day we will postpone.
I'm booked on that day, but i have a good squirreling spot in VA near leesburg. I use a cur dog too
Sorry, I have been busy and wasn't watching this thread. Let's go hunting sometime. I hunt Virginia, Maryland, and occasionally Colorado.

Did you guys make it out?

How did you do?
It ended up being just me so the "go hunt with someone new" part didn't work out but I got three really fat fox squirrels so that was good. Got to see a glorious sunrise so that was good too.

I put some pictures in the small game forum.
@circles are you still at it? Now that archery is over I’ll bring the .22 out. I hunt from POR down to Seneca. I shot a few raccoons from the old house on heaters a few years back.
Tagging for the future. I’m a little north of Cumberland but not afraid to take a drive for a good hunt.
@Blackie glenwood Oops. Sorry, I haven't been paying attention to this.

Yes, I was planning to hunt Monocacy tomorrow morning (Friday). Short notice I know but you are welcome to come.

I tend to make plans a few days out depending on the weather and the various schedules that run my life.